Sometimes I am made of squee! :)

Nov 08, 2006 07:25

One way to make winterspel grin with glee at 4:30 in the morning? Hand her an old Shounen Club episode with the one performance she's been looking for...and watch her squeeeeee! More on that later.

Film (Umrao Jaan) and concert (Queensryche) update, as promised )

je, picspam: shounen club, bollywood, concert review, music, akanishi jin, picspam: kat-tun, kat-tun, umrao jaan, taguchi junnosuke, picspam, queensryche, shounen club, kamenashi kazuya 2

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Re: Queensryche winterspel November 9 2006, 15:11:16 UTC
Hello, sweetie! It's awesome to hear from you. I hope you and Mike have a fantastic time at Queensryche on Friday! That's awesome.

Geoff sounded really great in parts and not so great in others, but it's such a demanding show with really intense vocals so I forgave him a lot. The theatrics were meh, but I wasn't there for the theatrics (warn Mike that it's really very rock opera - they act out the entire story and there are other actors, etc.) Stone is a very decent guitarist. He sounded ok on DeGarmo's parts but he was really at his best playing the O:Mi II songs, which makes sense. Still, I so loved hearing all those harmonized, synchronized guitar solos.

I wasn't nervous when we went to the show, but I wasn't expecting very much from it, and I certainly wasn't expecting them to play all of the first Mindcrime. I was extremely pleasantly surprised, as you can tell! :)

And you never never need to issue a "corn alert" - I will always be the mushiest, gushiest person you know, and I think it's both strange and cool that you wil have seen Queensryche with both your first and last boyfriend. *hugs you so much* lots of love, honey! Definitely let me know how the show is.


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