Sometimes I am made of squee! :)

Nov 08, 2006 07:25

One way to make winterspel grin with glee at 4:30 in the morning? Hand her an old Shounen Club episode with the one performance she's been looking for...and watch her squeeeeee! More on that later.

Film (Umrao Jaan) and concert (Queensryche) update, as promised )

je, picspam: shounen club, bollywood, concert review, music, akanishi jin, picspam: kat-tun, kat-tun, umrao jaan, taguchi junnosuke, picspam, queensryche, shounen club, kamenashi kazuya 2

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kallistei November 8 2006, 12:51:20 UTC
The SMAP song: Aoi Inazuma?


winterspel November 8 2006, 14:56:33 UTC
Oooooh, I think that might be it! Damn. I have to wait till I get home to check because that track is uploaded to my iPod yet.

Thank you!


kallistei November 8 2006, 15:12:49 UTC
You're welcome! I love that SC episode too. ( is a handy reference)


winterspel November 8 2006, 15:21:45 UTC
Gosh, thanks for that link - it is awesome. :)

I'm so glad I finally got to see the episode as I've been wanting to see "Kanashimi Blue" for ages, and I've been meaning to dl that ep for about 2 weeks now and I kept forgetting to do it.

One of the sad things about this fandom is that I came into it so late - only 7 months ago really. But the great thing is that there is so much to catch up on! And even though there is no Jin now...there is so much Jin I have yet to see. :) /random

Another random comment - I always feel like my spiral stair icon matches your gorgeous icon. I can almost picture her trailing down the stairs in a long romantic gown...


kallistei November 9 2006, 00:04:32 UTC
Isn't it? I'm surprised more people don't seem to know about it. I assume you already know about the Hadaka no Johnny's Shounen Club recaps section?

I'm even newer than you are! Only about 3 months, I think, which makes me quite sad, because I was in Japan this summer and I did not know to get any JE things! I saw billboards for Sapuri, and KAT-TUN ads, and had no idea who the people were.

Oh, that's a lovely thought. I didn't actually make any of my icons on this account, but I've grown very attached to my pretty lady ^_^


winterspel November 13 2006, 17:43:43 UTC
I'm even newer than you are! Only about 3 months, I think, which makes me quite sad, because I was in Japan this summer and I did not know to get any JE things! I saw billboards for Sapuri, and KAT-TUN ads, and had no idea who the people were.

I know what you mean about the regrets...I came into this fandom after the debut and so I missed all the debut frenzy which would have soo awesome to be a part of. For me the whole 24HourTV thing was pretty amazing, but I'm told the debut was even better.

I didn't actually make any of my icons on this account, but I've grown very attached to my pretty lady ^_^

I'm positively addicted to icons, and I use lots that others have made as well as my own. I am SOOO attached to my icons and it's often painful to swap out to make room for something new. I still have icons that I've been using from the first few months I was on LJ (over a year and a half ago) and I can't bear to get rid of them...

I love love love your pretty lady. :) And my spiral staircase loves her, too.


kallistei November 13 2006, 18:05:13 UTC
I haven't even seen 24HourTV yet, as I'm waiting until I have a good chunk of time free. This college thing takes up too much time! It's like what you said in the comment before, I do regret not having been a part of the debut excitement and so on, but I also like that I have so much left to catch up on, especially as Jin's my favourite JE boy.

I used to be so addicted to icons, but I'm much less active on LJ than I was when I first joined (which I've just realised is four years next month; I boggle). I do still have my very first icons somewhere, though.


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