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aiharu November 7 2006, 13:15:37 UTC
Hi! I was sooo waiting for your post!!!

"Nao stepped back from Hiroto, but I think if it were me...I would have run. "

I would've kissed him and...but that's me, semi-perverted:)

"where Yuko explains Nao's illness to Hiroto"

I totally cried watching this scene. Btw, Kame's last words in this scene were " Whey didn't she tell me?", and not " Why me?" as in the subs. I think that's caused he was mumbling the latter parts, so maybe the translator wasn't able to catch it.

Kame's just so gorgeous in that last scene where he faces Nao,her mom and her brother. I kinda feel like I'm cheating on Jin:) But Kame is just so LuV in this drama > <

"why the director made Kame take his coat off "

I thought that was because Hiroto felt that his jacket was dirty. Like remember when he first sat out on a ledge outside the building and then some woman came passing by and looked at him. This reminds me of an earlier scene when he was hanging his workclothes and he murmured..." it doesn't fall of ( stains on his clothes)".Is that in this episode or a previous one? Pardon me, too much caffeine at this time, not enough sleep :) Obviously that's one device to stress how poor he is compared to Nao.

It's really sad that the ratings are so low. although the 3rd episode rose to 13.6 from 10 something. utawara's only 9nish.
The Jin factor perhaps?


reposted because I can't code... winterspel November 7 2006, 13:54:38 UTC
I would've kissed him and...but that's me, semi-perverted:)

That's not perverted! Now, if you said you were going to cop a feel while kissing, okay maybe that would be...;)

Regarding Hiroto taking his jacket off at the end. I don't think I explained what I meant very well, sorry! I think the director wanted Hiroto to have his jacket off one way or the other by the time he met Nao and her family because, yes, he needed to hide it from them because it was dirty and oil-stained. All I'm saying is that the director realized it would be too awkward/there wasn't enough time for him to take it off at the point of meeting so he had to have it off already - and so he had Kame take it off so Hiroto could ostensibly use it as a blanket while he waited. It was a lame excuse, and Hiroto wouldn't have taken it off earlier only to hide the oil stains since he was still using it as a blanket, which was in plain view of anyone who walked by...

And you're right the brief scene where Hiroto is talking to himself about the stains on his work clothes was in this episode, I think just before he apologizes to Nao for having to go off (for the meeting with his ex).


Re: reposted because I can't code... aiharu November 7 2006, 23:28:51 UTC

"That's not perverted! Now, if you said you were going to cop a feel while kissing, okay maybe that would be...;)"

I was referring to ...... uhmmm :) makes me want to write a fanfic > <


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