Sapuri Episode 07 comments after subtitles + small picspam (of course)

Aug 22, 2006 21:23

Mostly liveblogged comments...

1. Yugi says in the beginning to Minami: "a guy and a girl, tears, sexiness. You gotta use girl weapons." I find this very interesting considering who we've seen crying recently. This plus Watanabe's jealous look when Yuya was hiding Minami with the rack and her subsequent conversation with him about breaking up with her boyfriend and wanting only Yuya now doesn't make me feel better about her - it just makes me feel as though she's been manipulative all along and using "girl weapons" to deflect Yuya's interest in Minami (which she has suspected from the beginning). I'm rapidly losing all sympathy for her.

2. Both Minami and Ogiwara behave very childishly in this episode. Minami is hilariously stupid about trying to avoid Ogiwara - does she not realize how ridiculous she looks? And Ogiwara's incessant complaining while walking to the winery is like that of a five-year-old. Yuya has more maturity in his little finger than the pair of them! (yes, I jest, but you know what I mean...)

3. So I'm a little confused as to how Yuya didn't know that Minami and Ogiwara were over...I guess I thought it would be obvious from the way that Minami was avoiding Ogiwara, but nevertheless, Yuya tries to do the right thing by Minami by forcing her to go on the trip to the winery with Ogiwara (without his mitigating presence), although I do wonder if he brings up Watanabe out of a subconscious desire to make her jealous, or to make himself feel better because someone is actually interested in him, unlike the seemingly-disinterested Minami. Anyway, Yuya certainly perks right up when Yugi states that Minami and Ogiwara are definitely over, and he looks less than happy that Watanabe came along to the winery. His expression is downright sour! (so is Ogiwara's, too)

4. Wow, I can't believe that Yuya actually came right out directly and told Ogiwara that he would go after Minami if there was nothing between Minami and Ogiwara! Ogiwara has rarely been very nice to Yuya - often condescending and abrupt, so I have to hand it to Yuya - I just love that he just announces this. And then what Watanabe says to Minami is also interesting, although I didn't understand everything. She says "Please don't take him. He's mine," to Minami, which of course indicates that Minami has the power to take Yuya away because Yuya might be interested in her. I didn't understand the rest of it - maybe it's because I'm tired but the rest of the translation just didn't really register with me: "I like how I can't get him. Stimulating. For playing." Help? Someone who is less tired and more insightful please to explain?

5. What is Natsuki's plan?

6. Ahhh, so now I understand where Yuya got the inspiration to get a bottle of wine for Minami from the year in which she was born! The expression on Yuya's face as he listens to her just breaks my heart. Kame has such an amazing ability to convey intense emotion.

7. So Tanaka-san set Ogiwara free? Too late...or is it?

8. AAAAAH! Ogiwara asks Minami how she feels about Yuya! After telling her about his "real self," (still following Tanaka-san's directions, I see), and also it has to be partly in reaction to the fact that Yuya is who he is and makes no apologies for it, and perhaps Ogiwara thinks that by telling Minami about his "real self" that she might find those things as attractive as Yuya's youthful ways.

9. And poor Yuya - Watanabe is so harsh when she tells him that Minami is completely out of his reach. I want to hug him! I don't care if she's right or not. Yuya deserves his chance, too! Watanabe wants Yuya to choose between herself or Minami, but it really seems like Yuya has made his choice already. The look of discomfort on his face when he lies to Minami about the party...and of course his begging off for a party weighs in the balance of her own choice, because Minami wants someone "reliable."

10. Watching Yuya work so hard and with such dedication, and passion, even, is beautiful to behold.

11. The last scene with Yuya's anguished, heartfelt confession to Minami just broke my heart into a thousand pieces all over again. Kame is UNBELIEVABLE here. Holy shit. The words he says are just too much - the pain he's in, oh! My poor Yuya!

[Minami comes across Yuya working in the orchard, dirty and sweaty, cutting weeds with a hand tool from around the vines.]

Minami: Ishida? What are you doing?
[Yuya is startled]
Minami: Are you taking grapes on your own to bring home?
Minami: Work?
Yuya: [uncomfortably & trying to come up with an explanation] Uh...Last night they were short on people so they hired me and they thought I was good and...
Minami: [sighs in exasperation] What's that? [Yuya looks taken aback by her disapproval] You were doing that? [rather] than help me with work? Grand slogan. What you want to express the most. It's so educational. And why?
Yuya: [his expression is so heartbreaking; he tosses the tool away almost in defeat.] I mean...I can't think of it. I can't be thinking...when I can't say it. What I want to express the most to the person who's most important...when I can't even do that...a brand slogan and all...that's not...I mean, wine-
Minami: Wine?
Yuya: They said they'd give me, just for working for a night. 1977. The wine of someone's birth year. I wanted to give it so that's why I...
Minami: Why? Wine...why?
Yuya: I don't want to...I don't want to call you sister! I don't want to be your brother! I don't want to be less than a guy! I like you! Probably...from the first time we met. I mean, I understand - our age, position don't go together - but what can I do since I like you? That's why I could only do something like this to make you happy. I mean, that's all I can do! [his voice cracks:] That's all I can do.
[He strides toward her, put his hands on her shoulders, and kisses her. And then he looks down, awwww, so nervous and abashed and slowly looks up to meet her eyes, afraid to find rejection in her face.]

Okay, you don't want to know how many times I've rewatched this last bit. I converted it for my iPod this morning before I left for work and I keep replaying it. Every time, my heart goes squish and I dissolve, completely dissolve because there is so much anguish in Yuya as he confesses his love to her and despair and desire, and futility and yet he can't help himself. And he takes the ultimate risk, fearing that he will be rejected out of hand, only to discover that he isn't rejected. When Minami kisses him, he doesn't react, almost as though he is in complete shock. But then, there is Minami's smile and the dawning hope on Yuya's face. I love the expression on his face so much, just before he kisses her again, and OMG, this time it's gorgeous - so passionate and intense and he opens his mouth. (damn the director for pulling back!) *cries* I'm so happy for my little Yuya! :D:D:D:D

As always, my favorite caps:

Here is where Minami touches Yuya...

...and when he goes to talk to her later, see where his hand goes...

Tongue! :)

Gorgeous golden shoulders.

I love his expression here.

The light limning his hair is just lovely...

So eager!

I think he just looks hot here with that expression.

So vulnerable.

Oh, poor Yuya. I want to hug you!





Episode 7 Maxi Picspams: [Part 01] | [Part 02] | [Part 03]

NOTE: I didn't address the quality of the kiss here because I think it's all been said here.

ETA: I've had three hours of sleep in 2 days, so if something doesn't make sense or sounds stupid...that's why.

picspam: kame, dorama, je, kamenashi kazuya, jdorama: sapuri picspam, jdorama: sapuri meta, jdorama: sapuri

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