Wow! More Sapuri Ep. 5 comments

Aug 09, 2006 06:37

Pardon me for the fangirling, but eeeeeeeee! Minami might possibly be beginning to notice that Yuya "is a guy." I so loved that last scene with them. What he says to her is just gorgeous! And he really put his heart on his sleeve without being romantic or anything - just by being himself and sweet and lovely and kind and caring. Oh, I want a Yuya of my very own. :)[at the library]
Yuya: [completely out of breath because he ran all the way back after ditching Watanabe] Books. I came to borrow a book. But whatever. [Minami just stares at him]
[as they're leaving the building]
Yuya: But I didn't think you were there. I'm surprised.
Minami: Were you worried about me? You came for that?
[Yuya looks very serious; he's been found out]
Yuya: Little Red [Riding Hood]...she got eaten by a wolf because she was walking by herself. Someone has to watch her, even if they aren't a guy. I thought it's better if someone watched. [moves to stand in front of her] I...don't understand adult things but I think you're right. You promised Yanase-san, to support him, to support his work, we promised. Breaking that promise, it's terrible. I look up to you to apologize. You're right.
Minami: I know. I just care about myself and just got mad. I just showed a bad side of me. [she moves past him and begins to walk away. Yuya knows he has to say something]
Yuya: Why are you getting weak? You were fine. [winterspel *dies* at the expression on his face as he speaks here] You cared about Yanase-san and did good work. So have more confidence. If you're lost, I'll tell you. You're doing good work. You're a good woman. I'll always tell you. [Yuya smiles a little and then runs forward to her side.] Right, little red. [this last said with the most adorable expression!]
Minami: [with tears in her eyes] You're so stupid.[Yuya watches, but does't react to that, probably because he suspects her tears] It's a waste listening to you. [she begins walking again]
Yuya: Why?
Minami: [voiceover] Actually, I was moved.
Yuya: I said something good. Come on.
Minami: [voiceover continues] his words. I was moved.
FINALLY! Finally, finally, Minami is beginning to recognize Yuya as someone who perhaps she can rely on emotionally, yay! THIS is what I've been waiting for - for her to notice this wonderful sweet guy.

I love Yuya, as anyone who has read my blathering lately can probably tell. I relate to him on a lot of different levels. He's young and immature about some things, but his heart is so pure, and he's so kind and compassionate, and he's noticed everything going on with Minami from the beginning. I just want her to see these things, too! What he did for her with Ogiwara when he sent her to that rooftop was such a huge, generous gesture, and now, when everyone is against her, he's the guy who comes back to give her his support.

Oh, my heart is all squishy right now. :D:D:D:D

And what was up with Watanabe telling Yuya to discern whether Minami cares if he's going out with her. That just seemed strange. I can't feel too sorry for Watanabe, though. She's known virtually from episode 1 that Yuya was most likely carrying some kind of torch for Minami, and she's confronted him about it now a few different times. So if she's sad that Yuya chooses Minami in his heart over her...well, it's not unexected, right? (I'm just wondering if that is the source of the tears in the preview)

Another note: I more or less liked Tanaka up until now (even though I hated that she was stringing Ogiwara along), but by the end of this episode, I sort of hate her. What she said to Minami is horrible - about her being such a low person and that she wouldn't let Ogiwara go to such a low person. Cruel, cruel woman. And good for Ogiwara for saying that it would be the last time! I hope he can stick to that. And also good for Yugi for standing up to Imaoka.

Anyway, these are just my early a.m. embryonic thoughts (since I've just finished watching with subs). Off to get ready for work and SQUEEEE over the coolness and sweetness that is Yuya. EVERYONE NEEDS A YUYA!

dorama, je, kamenashi kazuya, jdorama: sapuri meta, jdorama: sapuri

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