New music and thoughts on episode 3 of 'Sapuri'

Jul 25, 2006 22:40

Ugh, I have this feeling like I'm coming down with a cold - at first I thought it was just allergies (and I'm still holding out hope) but, well, yech.

Anyhoo, icajoleu came over tonight and dragged me out for a shopping trip to Tower Records - funny, he bought ONE CD and I bought FIVE! *laugh* I picked up the new Snow Patrol: Eyes Open, the new Keane: Under the Iron Sea, plus a neat electronica album by Sleepthief called The Dawnseeker. And I also picked up two Rush remasters for my collection: Hold Your Fire and Power Windows. I am always excited by new music - I'm ripping right now, and I'll get to settle in to listen tomorrow. I also got my package from Yesasia yesterday that had the KAT-TUN "Signal" single plus Utada Hikaru's new album, Ultra Blue which is amazing. *LOVE* doesn't even quite describe how I feel about her anyway - musically speaking, she's the best thing to come out of my exploration into Japanese entertainment. Her voice is incredible, her music is incredible and it's so strong. Oh, and I also ordered the new SMAP album today from Yesasia (I nearly forgot that the release is tomorrow, eek!).

So, that's the day in music. From what I'm hearing from both Snow Patrol and Keane right now - mmmm, really good. Very melodic, beautiful stuff. *pats myself on the back for good choices*

In other news, I watched Sapuri tonight with the subs and I think my first impression was the right one. I had a sense of melancholy after watching it last night unsubbed and the subs just cemented that feeling. I didn't feel too sorry for Minami, although I really did at the end when she was so paralyzed at speaking with Ogiwara - the way she was stuggling to speak was touching. I also liked what happened with Imaoka and his daughter - the last scene with him finally remembering his promise was also touching.

Regarding Kame I thought this was his best episode yet. Partly for shallow reasons, because he just seems to get prettier all the time (as I've said already), but also because I like the maturity we saw in Yuya as well as his child-like-ness. He had some amazing expression that ranged from just beautiful to goofy. I particularly like these two shots:

When he catches Minami staring at Ogawari.

And for some reason I find this one haunting.

In any case, as I've said elsewhere, Yuya was so amazingly cute when he was making voices with the plushie toy at an oblivious Minami. And with the subs I understood that whole "yo" scene a bit more. Both Yuya and Minami tried to employ the "yo" which made me wonder if Yuya really was trying to flirt with her. If so...well, she's twenty-eight, not fourteen, so he needs to improve his flirtation skills! I love the relationship that has sprung up between Yuya and Imaoka's daughter. I love that he's so careful about her, protective and big brotherly. I find that really heartwarming. I wish that Minami could see that side of him that is very serious whilst still maintaining a zest for life, an enthusiasm that I always love to see in people.

I love Yuya's character - he's young and hasty and impatient, yes. But he's also thoughtful and insightful and caring and responsible and wise. And he's so delightfully enthusiastic, which thrills me. I love to see characters (and people) who haven't lost that child-like excitement about what life has to offer. I love Yuya's whole speech on the rooftop about summertime to Minami, and then I thought what he did at the end was a really big gesture - it was lovely and it also made me really sad, too. I can't exactly explain why, though. He wanted Minami to embrace life and not hide from it because of her fear or insecurities or the limitations she's placed on herself for so long.

But I found the end with Yuya watching the fireworks and then walking home alone to be just really sad, somehow. I thought what Minami said to her colleague about having Yuya learn the basics first instead of being pushed into the creative side too quickly was smart and surprisingly good of her. Quite simply, she doesn't want Yuya to become like her - she does see something valuable in his personality that she wants to nurture that and she doesn't want him to lose it to quickly. He may be unpolished and he may have a lot to learn, but she recognizes his potential. I like this. I also like that he understood and appreciated what she had done. Really, it feels more like a friendship is developing - a real, kindly friendship - between Minami and Yuya, and I like that.

While I had congee for dinner to soothe my sniffles, this post was written while sipping a delicious mango smoothie. Yum! But I'm also very tired and stuffy-headed, so if the above doesn't make sense or is incoherent in any way, blame it on that. ;P

dorama, music, rush, kat-tun, sleepthief, smap, kamenashi kazuya, snow patrol, keane, jdorama: sapuri meta, utada hikaru, jdorama: sapuri

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