ina posted links to Utaban 2006.07.20
here. Today I finally got to watch everything, and I nearly died laughing at the sumo wrestling part. Therefore, I converted the file to iPod ready format
here, and yes, I am weak, so there are caps. The highlights for me were Ueda leaping on the woman and all of the bits with Kame who was so unbelievably adorable. My stomach hurt, I was laughing so much!
Ueda & Jin are cute here as they watch the monitor. I'm going to wear out that word in this picspam. Cute. Be warned.
I love the expression on Junno's face!
Maru gets into position...
And even tries to hook her ankle! But it doesn't matter, in the end, he goes down just like Junno did.
Kame hopes that if he smiles pretty enough, maybe she'll go easy on him. (seriously, isn't his smile to *die* for?)
He really should smile more often...
He should smile all the time!
He gets serious and assumes the position.
And he struggles pretty hard.
He definitely does his best!
But in the end, he is defeated.
And then it's Ueda's turn!
I can't describe how hard I laughed at this. He was like a blur that just leaped on her!
But she was ready and no sooner had he leaped on her but she slammed him to the ground.
Jin was knocked out very easily. He took one hard shove to his chest and he just stumbled backwards out of the ring without any resistance at all.
Koki was adorable here. He put up a really good fight!
But he went down, too. Unfortunately, I think he hit his head as he looked a bit stunned afterward.
Kame's back for round #2!
Still trying to work the charming smile...
He put up an awfully good fight, too, but to no avail.
And we end with Jin & Ueda. Love Jin's smile, too!
The End.
I also finally watched the first episode of jdorama My Boss, My Hero and it was hilarious! It has not supplanted my love for Sapuri, but it's worth watching. Again, I laughed so hard, it hurt, and so..there are caps. Sorry, I can't help myself! ;)