A few spoilery 'Sapuri' thoughts

Jul 11, 2006 11:55

So as some of you know by now, I gave myself terrible Panda Eyes (actually, I almost never get REAL Panda Eyes, thanks to my skin tone, but you know what I mean...) last night when I stayed up until [OMGWHATWASITHINKING - BUTIWASHAVINGFUN!] 3 a.m. watching, capping and iconing the first episode of Kame's new dorama Sapuri.

1. Kame is sooo pretty!

2. Understanding Japanese would SO NICE right now! As I told koalathebear yesterday, Hello, Osmosis? I'm waiting! I'm ready for my language comprehension to pass through my cell membranes and penetrate my consciousness right now!

3. I'm not sure whether I like the lead actress yet, but I like that she and Kame seemed to have a few serious conversations, and that it wasn't simply a string of exasperating moments the way for example Kurosawa always seemed to be annoying Naoko in the beginning of Anego and similarly Teppei & Riko kept antagonizing one another in the beginning of Love Generation.

4. I want to know what that long, somewhat serious speech was that Yuya (sp?) made in the conference room just as he was walking away. Everyone turned to listen to him significantly, and it almost sounded like he was reciting poetry or something inspirational.

4a. I also want to know why Yuya threw away his design drawings...

5. I also like the scene with Kame & that guy's daughter (I'm assuming it was his daughter anyway). Very nice moment.

6. Kame in ridiculous bunny suit! Kame surfing! Kame wearing normal street clothes and no feathers or fur in sight! *dies* I guess I don't need to say again: Kame Pretty. :P

6a. Kame's expressions are marvelous. Like Kimura (*gasp* I know, I shouldn't compare, but...) Kame has a wonderfully flexible and expressive face that can seem stony and impassive one moment, and extremely vulnerable the next. I love his humorous expressions as well!

7. I think my favorite scene is the very end where Kame & Misaki flow through the aikido [I thought I heard this word? Not sure though...] movements. It was beautiful and fluid and just lovely. A gorgeous bonding moment, and nicely filmed.

-ok, that's just what I can think of in this moment.

ETA: Sapuri ep01 English subtitles are here!

dorama, je, kamenashi kazuya, jdorama: sapuri

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