Veronica Mars & icon reccs

Mar 31, 2006 09:42

It's a beautiful, beautiful day today. Such a shame to spend it locked up inside. And it looks like it will be pretty insane later on, so I wanted to start the day off with something cheerful.

I caught up on Veronica Mars last night, and I'm glad to say that I loved it. The return of Troy was handled well, and I liked what was going on with Logan, Veronica, and with Cliff who always entertains me. I was actually really sad about Logan breaking up with Hannah. While I wasn't sure about her to start off, I've come to really like her. She's not a pushover, not really, and she's so nice and sweet. SO DIFFERENT from, you know, EVERY girl that Logan has been with. I was actually happy to see him go back to her.

AGH, the 2 Arrested Development cast members on Veronica Mars were awesome! How cool was that? I really liked the tour guide fellow. And also, one of my favorite scenes is when Veronica goes to the wig lady with the sob story about her sister the runaway cancer victim, and then the woman tells her that the girl she was referring to was Hawaiian! The way Veronica's face just fell, and her "oh" were priceless. I found myself much more invested in this ep than I've been in a while, although the last couple haven't been bad at all. I actually really liked last week's VM as well - the plot keeps thickening, though, (and I agree with dangermousie as to who's responsible for the bus crash - I've been fingering Woody for some months now) - if the plot thickens anymore, we're going to have a vat of hardened cement!

I was thinking about icons from book illustrations today, and I realized that I have many really lovely ones memoried, so I thought I would share with the book lovers on my flist. I think these are mostly children's books, for the child inside each of us - and if yours happens to be missing today, please, go find it! You'll be happier, I promise :)
  • The Little Prince - (especially for bunnysquirrel): here by refche; and both image and quote icons here by flycons.
  • Where the Wild Things Are: here by malimillions.
  • Dr. Seuss: here by ropo; and here by vaguehobbit.
  • Various book illustration icons by applebell here.
    And these are for the young at heart:
  • The Muppet Show: here by squishysquidgy.
  • March of Penguins (animated): here by shadowsong_13.
    And for good measure, Bride & Prejudice icons here by carmendove.

    Enjoy! Oh, and if anyone has any that they would like to share, I would love to see your reccs on this theme!

  • veronica mars, children's books, bride and prejudice, icon reccs, book illustrations

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