[you and me were never meant to be part of the future]
1. Peter →
[scars]2. Peter →
[starlight] [all we have is now]
1. Peter/Caspian/Susan/Lucy →
[christmas come early]2. Caspian →
[idle conversation]3. Peter →
[messenger]4. Peter/Caspian →
[the ambush]5. Caspian →
[a christmas present without wrappings]6. Peter →
[like vines, we
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How could this person say that? Maybe to someone it would have been comforting. For Peter it only dug heels into the doubt and fear he already had, doubt and fear he should not have--or so he reasoned in a way an adult was good for pointing out as unfair, if he had bothered asking.
It did not help that the eldest Pevensie sibling did not believe this person's story to begin with and thus saw no point in believing his words about, of all people, his father. False hope? Or maybe, just maybe, he was telling the truth? Part of the blond boy held onto that hope and covered it as one might a love letter in an old wooden box or a photograph in a too breakable frame. The other part rejected it because it was too much to take for the truth, knowing it had the same chance of being a lie.
Of course, at the root of much anger is just sadness, and this was not an exception. So Peter uncurled the fists he had made at his sides and opted for turning his back to the stranger who he felt he knew, pausing at the door but not opening it.
Something in him whispered that this person was not so bad but that something just wasn't right. But what?
He tried to shake the thoughts even as he gripped the doorknob more firmly to hide the shaking there. Angry. Sad. Indifferent. Hopeful. Uncertain. Impatient. Young. These did not mix to make for a very pleasant combination at the moment and if he could make as if he was something more in-between, more stable, then that was possibly the most grown-up thing he had ever seen any adult do: pretend to be something they were not.
Of course father was fine, but not because this person said so. He was fine because he was strong and good and was going to come back to all of them. He was fine because he said he wouldn't--Peter cut around that one word of death like it was contagious--wouldn't leave them for very long.
Father was fine because he had to be.
"I know," he said at last. I know.
Of course Peter would react badly to that. Edmund keeps on expecting his Peter, from his time, and expects the reactions to be appropriate to that.
He messed up, plain and simple.
"Well, if you're doing okay, then..." he trails off rather pathetically, giving a shrug and turning to leave.
"You...can come in. It's too cold outside." He would, if this person did come in, give him a long list of what-you-absolutely-are-not-allowed-to-do. Older or not that didn't change that Peter was supposed to be the one taking care of people here and he sighed, glancing backward. The others were likely in their rooms or something and if this person stayed downstairs, in the study maybe, that might be acceptable. He had come all the way out here, Peter noted fairly, and maybe that lent a bit of credibility to something of his story, more so than the names because actions being greater than words certainly applied here...or so Peter figured.
Almost he wondered what his parents would do but the wondering died quickly to be replaced with something else that didn't really fit in a category on its own anyway.
"Thanks." part of Edmund's relieved, he won't lie. He had been expecting to find his way to the City somehow and carry on from there. Which would be fine except for the fact that he barely knew his way around there to begin with.
No doubt Peter would try to enforce some rules on him. Some things never change.
"Wait, what's your name? And don't lie."
Not that he'd completely know either way but it was worth throwing the order out there.
He caught himself.
"Edward." it was a common enough name, right? He'd be Edward Scrubb, then, he supposed.
The corners of his mouth twitched up just the slightest to know that Peter hadn't changed in the slightest.
Opening the door again, Peter stepped aside slightly. For some reason the phrase 'ladies first' came to mind, but for no actual reason Peter could come up with and as quickly as it was there, it was gone. This was strange but they could deal with it and still be civil human beings, right?
Something like that.
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