So me and
ilanabean42 were spamming the crap out of each other as per usual, right? We were discussing about writing styles and how recognizable writing styles are (and the way I’m totally psychic and realized what fic was hers in a heartbeat) and then she had this Idea.
ilanabean42: I wonder what would happen if JE fandom had one of those things where you post fic
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He and Nobuta had a small pow wow session at the temple, Nobuta brandishing the stick everywhere while he followed her around, hopping lightly in her footsteps. The plan came up and discussed. After a long moment, Nobuta stared at him. He pursed his lips and konned silently at her. She nodded and did the motion for "Nobuta Power! ENTER!" The wind rustled and Akira thought he would miss seeing her like this.
He thought, "here's my chance." and leaned over to kiss her lightly on the forehead. "Nobuta's smile is best when Nobuta has that expression!" He announced, nodding his head vigorously before wandering home to prepare, ignoring the shocked look on her face.
When Shuuji saw him at the new school, Akira relished the look on his face. He konned at him lazily and promptly locked the memory of the look in his heart alongside the look from Nobuta.
Akira would later mumble into Shuuji's ear, as they laid on the beach, soaking wet with the sticky, salty spray from the ocean and sand everywhere, that Shuuji looks best when Shuuji is thinking about someone before himself.
Shuuji would look at Akira with that expression that Akira loved so much, that expression of new discovery and of realizations before that expression would change into something Akira had never seen before but thought it looked beautiful on Shuuji.
He would always remember that look, locking it inside his heart along with the other looks, before Shuuji kissed him, an awkward fumble of lips and tongues and a bumping of noses before they sighed into the kiss and settling into one another.
There would be other chances and other looks but for the moment, Akira was happy to settle for the one that made him feel tingly and content inside whenever they spent time together. He loved the look on Shuuji's face whenever Shuuji thought of him. And Akira would make sure that look appeared often.
♥ ♥ ♥
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