all the things!

Jan 01, 2012 16:12

Hello Livejournal and all those who actually read this sporadically updated journal of the life and times (and time wasting) of Anita. I am a terrible person who updated about three times last year because a post I made in January is still on the first page, so I figured I should stop stalling and post something in the new year at least.

I have been more or less well, finished my classes, busier than I expected to be during my holidays and successfully downgraded from eight cups of coffee and tea a day to only four cups of coffee and tea a day (and I don't even cheat with Red bull. Success! \o/)

I did a industry placement stint in a public library and I loved it. I'm not too fond of shelving (I don't think anyone with any sort of joint pain would like endlessly handling heavy books) but everything else? Everything else was fun. I chatted with the ladies from the community bus, I tried to teach a class for beginners on How To Use Google, I set up displays, deleted books (and then kept the ones I wanted XD), worked at the desk and ran around doing shelf checks and I loved all of it, even the annoying part where I clean up the children's section, go away for three minutes to find it a mess when I come back because that? It proves that they're using the children's section and my cold little heart warms up to children for precisely three more seconds.

I have a convoluted plan to finish this library studies thing, finish my arts degree and then do a masters and if by then I don't want to shove every textbook I own in a box and mail it to the Bermuda Triangle (even in my dreams I can't set books on fire ):), I'll think about doing psychology related or visual communication studies (both of which I enjoyed a lot, am interested in and apparently good at pretending to know what I'm talking about). Somewhere in all this, I have to find a full time job, move out because I need more 'me' time than living at home provides and maybe own stuff beyond three wardrobes full of clothes, a pile of books and make up and a laptop my ridiculous friends got me.

It's kind of nice to actually have Plans For The Future, considering I spent a number of years sure I wouldn't have one.

I've also been wandering around Sherlock fandom, reading in X-Men First Class fandom (and then shaking my fist at delicious-gate for ruining the rec lists I've been reading off), my friends Marvel'd me up with all the movies in the hopes that I too, will ship Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, but alas, I found myself much more interested in Xavier/Magneto and then because I have an attention span of a five year old, I moved right into Thor (Lokkiiiiiiiiii ;_;) and then to Criminal Minds sometimes you just want plain old serial killers instead of gods and history and superpowers, and then I jumped into AI again because apparently I like punishment and afterwards I'll probably dive into Sherlock again because IT IS COMING OUT TODAY aljs;gljkljdglsfs

(Also, I love the production videos of the Hobbit. THEY ARE ALL MY FAVOURITES ♥_♥)

Unfortunately I'm stuck with livejournal until my paid account runs out in six months but I created a Dreamwidth account under piefaced so do things with that if you want (one day I'll learn how Dreamwidth works. that day is not today when it's plus 35 degrees celsius). Also, giving me two extra weeks of paid time in no way lessens the Feelings all your fuckery has given me, lj. ):<

I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year's Eve and I'll see you when I haven't spent the past two days drunk all day long :D

(New Year Resolution: Remember To Finish Things! Like degrees! And books! And art projects! And series!)
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