prompts: drabbles and fic

Oct 15, 2010 12:06

I gleefully asked for fic from suchdisguise when suchdisguise put up a request for prompts with the condition that if I request something, then I should, in all fairness, let other people request things off me too. (Which yeah. I'm going to attempt and fail another fic meme, but feel free to laugh at me while I try)

The first ten people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. If you absolutely can't write, maybe find a creative alternative? (Which obviously, you don't have to. BUT I AM? *makes eyes*)

Fandoms: Inception, Pratchett, JE (keep in mind I'm... two years out of date, mostly? BUT I HAD A GLORIOUS INCEPTION/AKAME IDEA THE OTHER DAY AND - >_>), Eyeshield21, Star Trek (movie), Beelzebub, Supernatural (at your own risk), Bandom (also at your own risk), and I've been flitting around fandom for years, so I've probably at least dipped my toes in a fair few things.

Nino/Ohno, Down the Rabbit Hole (inception crossover) for araanaz9
Hikaru no Go/Inception crossover, p2 for flamebyrd

ohno/nino, fic, hikaru no go, je, inception

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