hello :)

Oct 16, 2015 13:24

My name's Anita, but most people call me Nita or Hey You. I'm currently not into anything specific and wander around reading in five fandoms all at once like a mad person. I've written fic for mostly JE but I'm dawdling around so expect some attempts at fic in random fandoms at least, which is either something you find terrifying or maybe encouraging.

If you're here for the fic (try the fic tag, it's actually up to date), that's all public, except in the case of unfinished snippets which I lock because well, they're unfinished and unbetaed and generally not things anyone wants floating around.

Most entries are friends only, but only because I'm paranoid and weird. I tend to randomly privatise things out of acute embarrassment, so entries disappear and reappear depending on how much I think the clown is out to eat me.

Friending wise, everything's a free for all. I'm happy to friend anyone and everyone back and you can friend away, unfriend away, comment or lurk - it's all good with me. :)
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