Nov 21, 2007 17:32
I've been seeing this everywhere for the last cople of days, and...well...I am a sheep...baaaa! ;-) I have no idea how accurate this is, though I have been laughing over "freak". That part is probably all too true.
My mother and I had discussed Thanksgiving a few weeks ago, and it was my impression that we wouldn't be doing the big holiday fuss thing this year, given my state of health, and the fact that she said she didn't care about the dinner. Now, this morning, what do I hear from her but "You're cooking a turkey for tomorrow, aren't you?" Turns out her whole life will be ruined if we don't have the whole traditional Thanksgiving meal...Why in the world couldn't she have said somehing about this weeks or even days ago, instead of waiting until the day before the holiday? I don't even have a turkey in the house...
Now I realize I could have said no, or as I wanted to say "hahahahahaNO!", or even, as I very, very much wanted to say, "If you want a turkey now, after we already decided not to have one, then you cook it", but that would just lead to hours of fuss and arguing and yelling and so much extra stress that it's actually less tiring to just cook the dratted meal. So I guess it's a trip to the store this evening for me, in hopes of finding a small turkey (and I'm not optimistic about my chances of that at this late date, since our tiny local grocery probably had about ten turkeys in stock to begin with), lugging it home in the rain, and spending most of the day tomorrow on my feet cooking. I don't feel remotely up to that, but I feel even less up to having a big fight...Like they say, pick your battles. ;-/
I'm so tempted to just bring home a couple of frozen turkey dinners...Which may be exacly what happens if I can't find a turkey, and she'll just have to live with it. I can't produce turkeys out of the air.
Oh, and lest I forget, a very Happy Thanksgiving to those of you on my flist who are celebrating it tomorrow! :-)