Something I've recently realized..

Jan 12, 2005 06:10

Why I like people who are, well, "blunt", people who speak their minds: Because I feel as though I can trust them slightly more than most people. I'm often more comfortable with someone who speaks their mind at all times. I know how they're feeling, because they *say so*. I know if I've said or done something to upset them, because they'll tell me. They don't make me guess. I know exactly where I stand with them. Few things will drive me right up the wall with angst and anxiety more quickly than the whole "try-and-guess-if-I'm-upset/mad-at-you/totally-indifferent-to-your-existence/have-a-problem-with-something-you've-said-or-done, and-now-try-and guess-why" thing.

Even if honesty is painful, I would still rather be told the plain truth about how someone feels about me and/or my actions, than sit here and wonder what I've done wrong, or even if I've really done anything wrong and at all and I'm just a bit paranoid.

There. Now that I've gotten that fevered little mini-rant over with, let me try to make a little more sense. I know a lot of people don't say exactly how they feel because they want to spare another's feelings. I totally understand that impulse. I share it. I appreciate it greatly when people handle my own feelings with consideration, and I hope I try to do the same with regard to other people's feelings whenever I can..I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I very much appreciate the sentiment, but with regard to my own particular emotional make-up...if someone doesn't want to drive me absolutely fruit-bat-crazy in an astonishingly short period of time, they will never leave me to guess how they feel about me or my actions. I am unfortunately most neurotic in that regard..Doubt paralyzes me emotionally. Therefore it's actually an act of mercy to be a bit blunt and put me out of my misery, as it were..

ETA: For those of you wondering, "What in the world is she on about now?", the answer is, nothing much, really. Just letting off a bit off emotional steam (about offline matters totally unrelated to Livejournal)where it can't do any harm to anyone involved, before I blow a gasket.
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