Is it just me..

Nov 09, 2004 16:40

..or is burning incense one of the most calming, centering, just all-around *beneficial* things one can do? (Or maybe I've just burned too much of it lately, and it's starting to..err..affect me? :-D Anyway, at this point, I'm not sure why I'd been doing it so seldom until now.

I haven't got much time right now to post, as I really must rake some leaves while there's still a bit of daylight left, before the neighbors show up on the doorstep in a mob, brandishing rakes and vaguely threatening letters from the township about ordinances and such..They pounce on every poor little leaf before it's barely hit the ground, whereas I like to leave them a while longer beacause the colors look so pretty..and because I like to hear them crunching underfoot when I walk through them (yes, I am quite easily amused..) I can only get away with that for so long though. ;-)

And then I'd like to get a little more work done on the story I'm writing, which is coming along nicely, if perhaps not as quickly as I'd like.

Things have quieted down a good bit around here, which, while only temporary, is a blessed relief while it lasts. Therefore, I am probably happier than I should be, considering the amount of problems and trouble still hovering in the background. I try to make the most of these brief times of peace, though. I'm afraid it makes for boring journal entries..Ah, well.
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