So far I really like my new position, but how could I not? Chair massage Tuesdays, Farmer’s Market Wednesdays, and half days on Fridays during the summer. So far Mondays and Thursdays are the only boring days around here. Ah well. That’s okay. Some boring is better then off the wall busy!
There is talk of having me become a permanent employee by the end of August. I’m excited, but I’m not going to jump for joy or say it’s a done deal until the paper work is signed by the company and me. Then, and only then, will I celebrate! I’m hoping they up my salary a bit too, but if they don’t I sure as hell won’t say no to the position! Hell, I’m going to be excited to have health insurance alone!
feather_brain70 is pretty excited about the Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays too. Yesterday I brought home a 2 lbs. sirloin for him to grill up. It was so yummy! We also made a salad using fresh greens and a fresh tomato, and we boiled up some fresh turnips too. It was so good! I get full really quickly now since I’ve cut back on everything, but I sure didn’t want to stop eating! I had a very, very small portion of the sirloin cuz it is red meat after all, and I’m trying to cut back on everything. Tonight’s dinner may just be some left over boiled turnips and believe it or not, that’s very exciting to me! We saved the turnip greens for use on a later date.
Rob, my younger Brother, is doing well. He’s excited that his time in the Marines is coming to a close. We’re starting to discuss colleges for him to interview. So far on the list we have U Mass Boston, Boston University, Bunker Hill College, and Northeastern. He wants to study law and Criminal Justice. If anyone can think of any colleges to add to the list, please suggest away! He does want to be here in the city, so something close to Cambridge, Somerville, Allston, Brighton, or Boston please.