What A Whirl……

Mar 02, 2010 11:20

My last day at HMS will be March 12th. Then it will be on to my next temping assignment, I guess. I hope one comes up quickly. I went on an interview last week and wasn’t chosen for a call back. I’m not as upset about it as I thought I would be. As it turns out, I don’t think I would have been happy at that company.

Saturday night in Allston was interesting to say the least. I was dancing at the Common Ground when a huge fight broke out on Harvard Ave in front of the club. From what I could see there were roughly 10 people fighting in the street, stopping traffic. I could only see part of what was going on and I hear there were more people around the corner by the 7/11 fighting too. 5 people were stabbed. One died on the street corner across the street from where I was standing. Poor guy.

I have no idea where this crowd of people came from. They didn’t come from the club I was in. It was almost like when you’re driving down the road and suddenly out of nowhere a white out happens. We all were dancing to Lady Gaga and when the song was over, *BLAM*! Huge ass fight out of nowhere in the middle of Harvard Ave. Craziness. I feel horrible for the man who died and all who were involved in the fight.

They shut down the Common Ground since we were now unexpectedly in the middle of an impromptu crime scene, and closed off all of Harvard Ave. Thankfully feather_brain70 had parked on Comm Ave., but due to the closure of Harvard Ave. and all those wonderful one way streets in Allston, we had to go all the way around to get back onto Cambridge St. to get back to Cambridge.

The bouncers at the Common Ground were awesome! Even though the people who were fighting didn’t come from the Common Ground, the bouncers jumped into action. The called the Police the second the fighting group came into their line of sight, the took descriptions, and took note of who had weapons, they moved the smokers back into the bar quickly to keep them safe, and then when the Police arrived they gave them all the details they had. That, I have to say, was pretty awesome of them.

Because of the fast acting bouncers at the Common Ground the Police arrested the person who did all of the stabbing at the scene that night. According to the evening news that person was arraigned on murder charges yesterday. This will not keep me from going back to the Common Ground, but it does reinforce why we walk to and from the club in groups!

On a happier note, on Monday, March 8th feather_brain70 and I will celebrate our 5th anniversary. It doesn’t seem like 5 years have gone by. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun!
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