Here's an
interesting article on the supposed evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds.
I know sometimes Christians who are skeptical of the evolution metanarrative jump on any debate in the biological sciences as proof that they are in disarray and that the evolutionary consensus is as much the result of human whim and wishful thinking (i.e. if evolution proves that there's no God, I can act however I want!) as it is of actual evidence. I think this greatly overstates the case. Nevertheless, I always find it interesting when I hear scientists talking about "the beginnings of the meltdown" of their field.
I've come to the conclusion that these debates have little, if anything, to do with my faith, despite the insistence of the fundamentalist, sometimes quite bizarrely backward, though wonderfully skeptical (when it suits them) folks in the
Answers in Genesis camp. Nevertheless, the debates, whether scientific, pseudo-scientific, or entirely political, should prove to be lively entertainment for years to come.