Dec 05, 2015 22:38
Oh yeah I shaved my head.
Isnt it crazy how easily you can look like a male.
How if I dont wear makeup and iif Im wearing a baggy shirt or even just a sports bra I could pull off being male.
Isn't that crazy how easy it is to be seen as a different gender. And in this time (still) a different person.
Just because I have no hair, I can poull off being a totally different person. Isnt that crazy. Why is that a thing?
I could be identified as a male and be treated totally different.
That person that has given me two "flowers" around the stop light wouldnt.
The whistles wouldn't happen walking on the side of the street.
Just crazy.
I know there are thing sguys deal with but being called bro and fist bumps are all that are coming to mind right now.
Just crazy.
Maybe these things have already happened but I always beep it covered. It isscarey losing that you are a female. Being identified as a masle because I m a female. So I cover it up and wear a bit more makeup now so that it lasts through the day. It iss a crazy experience.
There are people out therethat deal with this stuff because it is their life, notjust becuase they wanted to see what it was like to be bald. That is even scrier. Imagine being thought of as the other gender. Imagine people treating you differently because of it. It is a part of your identifty and people treat you differently because of it. I know that I have been looked at differently., but I can get inside those peoples minds and say why shaving my head has made such a difference in that, I just know that it has.
It is truly a interesting experience. And yeah I think about people thinking I have cancer, but when I look in the mirror or take a picture without a hat on, I am adjusting my angle so that I can look like a girl rather than a guy. Just a simple tilt of the head. Crazy. And maybe a malle can do this as well. Maybe it is just angles. We really are so similar. Why is being a female so much different?