yet another mer mood theme

Oct 06, 2007 11:10

Meredith Grey Mood Theme:

Alright, so this is my second mood theme I ever made. The first one was of Mer too. Anyways, I got sick of the old ugly one, so whenever I had freetime this week, I worked on this one, and I finally finished it. It has some of the same caps as the old one, but with my newer coloring so it doesnt look like ass. And since technology wants to murder me in a lake *grins* I'm posting all of the icons here (instead of uploading the zipped file), like I did last time, and you will need to save them and upload them and download a file from the instructions I gave by euterpeslullaby so you can upload it to your account. I also am working on icons, cause after looking at all those caps, I couldn't resist. I will finish and post them later.


The rules,all 132 moods and instructions under the cut.

Credits and Rules:
- Captures from Season 1-3
- All 132 Mood Themes with no repitions
- Captures from Striped Wall
- AdminConsoleCodes by euterpeslullaby
- If you use, please credit winterr_breeze in your userinfo
- You are going to need to save all the themes by the correct name and then upload to your own server
- Instructions by euterpeslullaby and can be found - Here
- Comment if you take
- Don't hotlink, upload to your own server
- Enjoy

accomplished aggravated amused

angry annoyed anxious

apathetic artistic awake

bitchy blah blank

bored bouncy busy

calm cheerful chipper

cold complacent confused

contemplative content cranky

crappy crazy creative

crushed curious cynical

depressed determind devious

dirty disappointed discontent

distressed ditzy dorky

drained drunk ecstatic

embarassed energetic enraged

enthralled envious exanimate

excited exhausted flirty

frustrated full geeky

giddy giggly gloomy

good grateful groggy

grumpy guilty happy

high hopeful horny

hot hungry hyper

impressed indescribable indifferent

infuriated intimidated irate

irritated jealous jubilant

lazy lethargic listless

lonely loved melancholy

mellow mischievous moody

morose naughty nauseated

nerdy nervous nostalgic

numb okay optimistic

peaceful pensive pessimistic

pissed off pleased predatory

productive quixotic recumbent

refreshed rejected rejuvenated

relaxed relieved restless

rushed sad satisfied

scared shocked sick

silly sleepy sore

stressed surprised sympathetic

thankful thirsty thoughtful

tired touched uncomfortable

weird working worried

mood theme, meredith grey, grey's anatomy

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