Dear News Organizations,
If you aren't going to get it right, leave Anonymous out of this. Look, Anonymous is polymorphic. Some of them love heckling the Cult Church of Scientology. Some prefer posting offensive images. Others opt to DDoS the hell out of various sites. And a subgroup actually gives a shit about the political climate and uses their talents for dubious good against corporations. Don't make them out to be some elite hacker group with an unmarked black van full of satellite equipment looking at multi-tiered fantasy graphics. It's some guys with some computers and an IRC chat. I mean, it's kinda cool that cyber harassment/terrorism is getting some attention, but at its core, it's anarchic. "Loose group" doesn't even begin to cover it. Anonymous isn't so much of a group as it is a label. At any rate, get with the program guys, cause this is the true face of Anonymous: