Feb 12, 2008 00:01


So, Kendall and I were having this discussion about music. Mainly about build-up and fulfillment in music. We think we may just think of things so differently because I'm a musician and she isn't.

Exhibit A: Deathcab for Cutie -- We Looked Like Giants. I'm sure you all have this song.
Now, we both think it's a great song. I, however, HATE how it is played. It is so ridiculously devoid of any energy whatsoever. There is so much buildup that just sits there. Listen through it, then when you get to 1:52, don't you agree that if we were to put in the same energy that K had us put in our songs, that would be so much more amazing? Can't you just hear him going, "What the hell was that? Wake up, guys!"? Can't you just hear Max, if he were to play that, just going CRAZY at the end of that section? Don't you want the singer to just pour out so much more?

"And together there, in the shroud of frost, The mountain air began to pass Through every pane of weathered glass, And I held you closer Than anyone would ever get"
Those are such packed words! Beautiful, even! GIVE ME SOMETHING MORE, JESUS CHRIST. EMOTION. ENERGY. SOMETHING.

And the end of 1:10~1:15 ish, too! I want raw emotion! I want the singer to pour out his SOUL into those words! "And we learned how our bodies worked!" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

But then, Kendall likes that. I don't know why. She likes when they build up, but don't fulfill, because when they fulfill, it's like, "Ok, they're rocking out now." But we think that it's just 'cause they go off without her when they do that sort of thing. Yet, for me, I love when a band just rocks out, because they take me with them.

I mean, I totally understand when you don't have every single build-up fulfilled. That gives you a tease. That gives you tension. That drags on the listener, and it's like, "Oh baby, please. give me a little more." It's so close to sexual, you could just drown in it sometimes. But you do that build up, leave it there hanging, then -laaaater- you give it to them, and it's like "OH BABY, that feels so good."

Exhibit B: uh.. um. Black Eyed Peas -- Don't Phunk With My Heart.
I remember at Kairos, we were talking about like, happiness or something. I don't know what, but I said something that just went completely over most peoples (everyone's) head. I want you to listen to this song again. I know you've heard it before. But I said how it's one of those little things that makes me happy, listening through an entire song just for the one little moment of fulfillment. You can't just skip to that part, because that kills it, and you can't stop after that moment and just restart, because that kills it to.

Listen to the song again. Right at 3:13 (at least on my version). That little tiny drum thing. A little kick-to-snare that the entire three minutes builds up to. I couldn't stop listening through that song just for that one moment for a whole goddamn week. Maybe longer.

I really don't know what else to say. I completely cannot understand how people would like the things Kendall was saying, but apparently they do. I mean, they do sell records.
And really, most other examples I can think of aren't American, so most won't know them. So instead, I'll give you a link to some of my favorite Dir en Grey live performances.


They're both the same song. Everyone looks considerably prettier in the first one, but the second might be a better performance. They're both still amazing. The first has a very camaraderie moment, that just gets me, right there. ANyways. I consider it a blessing to love music like I do. To see things like this and be so filled with their energy. To just want to burst out singing along and pouring out everything I have, too.

I want this song, and so many others on rock band. I want an excuse to sing out, loud, and do it for my friends, and maybe see if they understand.
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