Hello lovely XiuBaek lovers who've decided to visit this Winter Lights festival! Did you enjoy all the amazing stories our participants cooked up?
It's sad to say that Winter Lights is coming to a close this year, but we just have one more game for you!
This is our Guess Who post. You know how the game works, all you need to do is to guess which participant wrote which fic by commenting down below! Take note that some writers wrote more than one fic, and some have stayed to remain anonymous, so the number of writers listed does not match the number of fics submitted. :)
Here's the Masterlist for your reference:
Virtual cookies to anyone who gets it right! Have fun!
Our lovely writers:
forestprince blueminnuet noraebangbang littledeerxing9 mongmongie bluedreaming abcdefghiluvyou babyraelo endbossu london9calling xiuflakes k-popped seokxiu ma_laise kinkyixing coxy132 thiswintersky strungupdoll ghostedtree allpowerfullou 143486 xo_thefirst sapio_sexual