So a bitch, a friend and an acolyte walk out to the patio...

Jun 02, 2008 08:36

It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but it’s really not. Those are all me this morning. It started yesterday after we got home and I realized that after unloading the dishwasher on Saturday morning, and refilling it about 1/2 way, that nothing had been done since then except to pile up dishes in the sink and leave one on the stove. I looked out the back window and the towel we keep out here to kneel on for gardening is being left on the cement in the dirt, while R1 is sitting there eating out of a pan and smoking his cigar. So, okay... I don’t expect you to be perfect, but for the love of God, grow up. When you take the last fork out of the drawer, it’s a pretty good sign that dishes need to be done in some form or another. If you’re sitting out on the patio and stuff has gotten blown around, just... pick it up. It would take less than 3 seconds to do. And it won’t kill you, I promise.

There, I feel better. I’m sitting out here on this gorgeous day and I had all that crap buiding up - so I needed to vent. And it is a gorgeous morning. Plants are all blooming happily. I’m a little worried about the jalopeños, since I haven’t grown them before and they don’t seem to be “taking off” - but at least they’re straight and green, if a little small at the moment. Peppers and tomatoes seem to be thriving - and the plants in the pot seem to be sprouting merrily. My herb garden has taken OFF in the Aerogrow. I might have to plant them just to keep them going. I love that I have fresh herbs on tap. Beats paying $5/bottle for the grocery store stuff.

This weekend we spent at Oak Grove with our clansmen. Sometimes I get a fiending for home and I don’t want to go anywhere, really. This weekend was one of those times. But sometimes, it’s good to go anyway - and this weekend was also one of those times. It’s really nice when folks can spend time together in a low stress environment and decompress. I genuinely miss them when they’re away and am always better, inside, for having spent time with them. exponentiallyme and I had a particularly lovely girl chat on Saturday on her bed. jaime29 brought in some bliss chocolate and some strawberries and we munched on them and talked about wedding dresses, life, men and all sorts of stuff. It was good girl time. Niblette is doing better (that’s jaime29’s daughter). She has stress issues at home and sometimes they show up - but giving her boundaries and consistent rules have helped her relax, at least while she’s at her Dad’s. And she’s very creative. She loves to draw and write. Even poetry - which is impressive for 6. She and Kidlet get along like a house afire. I think he “gets” her.

My day has started - and is rocking and rolling along. Kitchen cleaned, floor swept, laundry started, plants watered, Patio cleaned up. One might think it’s time for a nap, except I just woke up. And I’m working on a menu planning program for our house. ☺ This really tickles me. If I can make it work, it’ll be awesome. Happy Monday all!!!

Tonight will be: Chipotle-lime Marinated Grilled Pork Chops

clan hearth, home

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