Surely all this hsbs should have dissapeared by now. Hm I wish. The majority (85%) is mainly my fault that I will put my head down and admit to. Alcohol has the tendency to exaggerate emotions right?
Maybe I should just quit drinking - or take up drinking alone!
Oh lonesome me.
Where is my life?! Give me a '63 Comet, give me a highway and give me a camera.
Photography. Man I miss that so much. I'm stubborn I know it I can still do it for my own personal pleasure but I just don't get that kick that I used to get out of print photography. I think I'm happiest in that red light. (no hooker remarks please douche bags)
Photography, Music, Fashion and Alcohol. (L)
my 2010 options;
University - Nursing
Forensic Science
Travelling - Au Pairing in Europe
Teaching in China
Road trip America
hmmmm options options options all of which I don't really have the money for haha but a raise in a few months should make this horizon look more promising.
This was a pointless entry. I needed a vent. I want creativity!!!!
Saturday night I stood outside the club and screamed. Fucking just let it out and screamed. It felt absolutely ace. I might have to scream some more. Touch me I'm going to scream.
Oh and to add to the previous needs - Give me this;
Clutter. Lord.