So yes, even though NYC and south apparently did not get the kind of doom-bringing snow predicted, up here in Mass we are enjoying--or at least I am--snow-mageddon. A little west of Boston already has 30in, and it's still coming down. I'm off work, so I get to watch snow and study.
I also wanted to say that I received
polnaya_lipa's wonderful, wonderful gift from this year's Secret Santa, as aranged by the generous
ikel_89. I came home just after New Year's to a package filled with Russian goodies! It seriously made my day :o) and was a nice way to kick off 2015. I failed to post sooner because several unexpected things came up, but no fear! A proper thank you card is on the way.
Bar study calls my name, but in the meanwhile, cross your fingers that I get tomorrow off, too. Another full day to study is something I need.
To those of you getting snow or other wintery weather, stay warm and safe. Everyone else, have a good week!