2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Figure Skating Post!
Only figure skating/ice dancing prompts/fills go here!
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I want to first and foremost thank my fans for their support at this time. I appreciate the concern for me, more than I can say. I ask that everyone respect my privacy as I discuss this matter with the ISU.
It’s bland enough that no one can construe it either way. Johnny hates it, but ten minutes of Tara talking at him and Evan chiming in with motivational phrases about preserving one’s reputation in the face of adversity is enough for Johnny to cave.
Evan gets on the internet and reports back that the fans still think the Japanese reporter is a douchebag.
“They think you must have a twin sister, or he’s got the wrong birth certificate. They’ve all seen you basically naked, after all,” Evan says, almost helpfully. It doesn’t really help.
The meeting with the ISU is scheduled for the next morning. It’s everyone that is in the US at the moment, and Johnny doesn’t want to know what Tara had to do to get them all to New York City.
Before the meeting, though, Johnny knows what he has to do. He goes down to his car and gets in, struggling to breathe, because on the other side of the drive is New Jersey, and Galina, and Johnny doesn’t know what to say.
Before he can start the car, though, there’s a rap at the passenger window and Johnny whirls around, surprised.
“Hey, um,” Evan says. “I’ll be around. In New York, I mean, for a week. If you need anything, you can call. And I wanted to say, good luck. I mean, with your coach and everything. It must be hard.”
Johnny wants to say something mean, like the hardest thing you ever did was tell Frank you stopped cardio 10 seconds too early because your gold medal was too heavy, motherfucker but he stops himself. Herself. Because really Evan hasn’t been so bad.
Johnny manages a tight smile and Evan walks away, climbing into his own car and disappearing. Johnny tries not to feel more alone.
When Johnny starts skating with Galina, it’s exhausting and tragically hard and he loves it and hates it all at the same time.
When he’s on the ice, Galina and Viktor have their eyes on him, constantly, watching his feet and his arms and the way he bends his knees, over and over and over again.
Sometimes, though, he sees their eyes narrow, as if they’re trying to focus on something that’s not there. Something blurred and undefined at the edges of his shape.
So he skates extra hard and wills his muscles to grow faster and pretty soon they only see him, Johnny Weir.
Galina and Viktor are standing by the boards, watching Ksenia skate some cool-down laps. Johnny’s going to have to tell everyone, tell his family and all his friends and the whole freaking world, and he can’t go tell the ISU without telling Galina first. He can’t.
Some part of him says that he should go tell his mom first, but another part says that she must know, she had to have known. Johnny steels himself and walks over before he can wimp out.
“Johnny?” Galina turns, sees him, smiles.
“Hey,” Johnny manages. “I know I don’t have practice. But. Could we talk?”
Viktor catches Johnny’s intonation and countenance before Galina, who is still mentally translating, so Johnny repeats the question in Russian. They exchange a look.
“Of course. My office. Ksusha cools down by herself,” Galina says, stepping away from the boards. She puts a hand on Johnny’s shoulder, gently (too gently, like she’s afraid he’s going to break) and steers him back to her office.
Johnny sits in front of her desk, and Viktor takes the chair next to him. They’re looking at him expectantly. Johnny opens his mouth, but the words catch in his throat. How can he say-tell-the truth is beyond believing, and he can’t just-
“Is okay, Johnnik,” Galina reaches out and pats his hand. “I will not be upset by retirement. You still skate here, perhaps help coach, yes?”
Johnny almost laughs. Of course they think he’s pulled them aside to drop the retirement bomb.
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