2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Part 2
I never really expected this to take off so well, let alone end up with 4000+ comments. Now it's time for part 2!
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1. We are all here to have a little fun. Am I right?
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Apolo tilted his head to the sky feeling the rain trickle down his neck and creep down his soaked shirt. The previous chapter in his life was closed now with a new chapter beginning. He needed to bind it up tight and leave it behind. Smile when others told him he was still good- great at his sport. Teammates and coaches trying to encourage him to stay in the game- but he knows better. He can’t bounce back from injuries like he was once could. He’s not as quick on the corners as he once was. He can watch tapes and where they would congratulate him on a perfectly timed move he knows better. The reaction time is a fraction too slow.
The team doesn’t need him anymore. There are plenty of others to take his place. If Simon keeps working at it he can be outstanding. JR can easily become greater than Apolo himself if he would stay with i-, learned from Apolo’s mistakes. He can’t cling when he is well past his peak. It is his turn to rotate out, to allow room for the new ones to shine.
He has a number of things going on in his life now. The ice is no longer his focus. An interviewer once asked if he could leave it behind. He said he could. Was sure of it. He still believes it, knows he can.
Blinking in the rain he turns his head and sees JR standing in the door way, expression unreadable. Though he has known JR for many years now, there are times he has trouble knowing what is going on behind his dark eyes.
“Your dad let me in. He said to let you know that he was leaving and when you were done philosophizing in the rain to give him a call.”
JR steps out of the door and closes it behind him. “He also said something about idiot sons not having the sense to not get wet and better not whine to him when they get pneumonia.”
Apolo turns his head back toward the sky and soaks in the feel of drops hitting his face. “It’s beautiful.”
“It’s home at least.” JR murmurs.
“Congratulations on Worlds.” He didn’t watch it. Didn’t seek out information on how it went. The ice is behind him.
“Thanks.” JR moves away from the door and comes to sit beside him in the wet grass. The rain drops immediately begin to darken his hair and shirt. Slide along his jaw line. “We missed having you there.”
He lets the comment pass, “To bad about Teams.” He says instead.
“Yeah, but I’d rather the Olympics any day. Coach is already working on saving money so we don’t go broke.”
“That why he shipped my books with you?”
“Why waste money on postage when you’ve got someone you can boss around already going in the same direction?”
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