2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Part 2
I never really expected this to take off so well, let alone end up with 4000+ comments. Now it's time for part 2!
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1. We are all here to have a little fun. Am I right?
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Restless, he turned over on the bed, bringing his knees up under his body and pressing his cheek against the rumpled sheet as he reached behind himself to grab the dildo. His breaths were getting shallower, he realized dimly. Oh, God. With no warning he was almost there, hovering agonizingly on the edge, without a free hand to do anything about it. He shoved his face into the mattress and put his whole weight on it, barely able to breathe while he reached frantically for his cock, still yanking at the dildo with his other hand, and when he came his toes literally curled.
When the world started to make sense again, he rolled over, weakly. The dildo was still in his ass. He had come halfway up his forearm and all over his stomach, and his strained neck was sending threatening messages to his brain about how it was going to feel in the morning. "Okay," he said out loud, just to hear the anchor of his hoarse voice. "Okay, maybe it's a little hot."
Oh, Evan. You should do this much, MUCH more often ;)
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