white collar is amazing

Feb 25, 2013 02:11

wc_squeeasked us to name our favorite thing about white collar...this is what I came up with off the top of my head...and at about 1:30 in the morning...*headdesk*
If I had to narrow it down to only one thing... umm, you know what? never mind, I can't narrow it down,... *sheepish*

So, onwards to the list...
  • Neal, and of course Matt Bomer (because Neal just wouldn't _be_ Neal without Matt.)
  • and if i've got Neal / Matt on the list, i've got to include the rest of the cast, because not only is the interaction between the characters great fun to watch, all the actors involved mesh perfectly with their characters, and their characters work with the mood / tone of the show. (as an example: pick any character, and try to picture the show either without the character, or with the character depicted by someone else, it just doesn't work - the 'character' of the show itself would change.)
  • That seems to bring me to the show in general: -the tone: generally lighthearted, which i love, because it's such a welcome relief from the mountain of: negative / dark / serious / reality...programming that's out there.
  • the production or style of the show: energetic, stylish without being overly stylized, (does that make sense?), I love the romanticism of how NY is viewed, and the nod to the classic styles that the show uses.
  • the overall quality: right from the beginning, each show was really well done, and in almost 4 seasons, there have been remarkably few episodes that I could classify as "filler / what were they thinking?!?" episodes.
  • the intelligence: WC isn't a show that aims for the lowest common denominator, it's usually clever, it's always interesting, and even when we know what's going to happen, we still enjoy the path the characters take to get to the conclusion.
  • *** the character building:*** Neal in particular, and Peter too. I can't remember the last show I watched that devoted this much effort into building its characters, not only to establish a character, but to allow the characters to grow and develop in different ways.
  • the morality / ethics: of both the characters, and the show in general. From the Burkes' marriage, to Neals' loyalty, to the values placed on friendship, trust and honesty. In a certain sense, what I really like about the ethics of the show is the old fashioned sense of honor that each character has. Yes, they all have their morally grey areas, (some obviously more than others,) but every protagonist on the show has a streak of honorable behavior and that really infuses the show with a feeling of optimism.

Well, that went rambling on... ;)

fandom, white collar, wc_squee

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