Happy new year.
Edit : So, I now own a Wii and an Xbox360. In the gaming mainstream this combination of consoles is often refered to as 'Wii60'.
Honestly Wii isn't all it was hyped up to be. At least, it's everything its meant to be it's just the range of games out for it is horribly limited. Right now theres one game worth owning. Zelda. It's not even an exclusive to Wii game either, you can get the same basic game on the Gamecube.
And as for Xbox360.. I only have one single complaint.
The idiotic nature of the players on the Xbox live service.
Maybe its because I'm used to PC gaming, maybe its because my usual online games are RPG and RTS but the people on xbox live make Counterstrike players seem like nice people. I mean not only do you have to put up with constant insults to everyone about everything, but you actually get to hear the insults shouted into your ear as you play.
I mean the conversations on xbox live have but one general direction.
*Game start*
Player A : "Hey there noobs!"
Player B :"Dude, I'm like so high right now."
Player D : "This game sucks."
Me : "..." <-- Saying nothing.
Player C : "WTF! 'Me' ISN'T TALKING! BOOT HIM! "
*Me has killed Player C*
Player C : "OMFG! HE HAX TOO! "
Player B : "Like dude, chill. You just suck at the game"
Player C : "Your mom sucks!"
Player A : "Your m... oh."
*Players B and D heard laughing*
*Player A has killed Player C*
*Me has killed player A*
Player A : "Hahahaha.... Hey! WTF? Noob killed me, talk noob. Talk now noob or I boot you from game."
Player D : "This game sucks."
*Me has killed Player D*
*Player D has left the game*
Player C : " Has gone, LOL!"
*Player E has joined the game*
Player E : "Hey people." <-- female voice
Player C : "Hey Suck my "
Player A : *Wolf whistle*
Player B : "Hey player E, Can I like add you to my friends list?"
*Me has Killed player B*
*Me has Killed player A*
*Me had Killed Player C*
Player A : "Noob not cool I was typing"
*Player E has Killed Me*
*Player E has Killed player A*
*Player A has kicked player E*
Me : "*Sniggers*"
*Player A has kicked Me*
*Me has been disconnected from the game*
This.. is sadly a true conversation. With names changed. I won't even go into my attempts to play UNO. All I'll say is Xbox Live has managed to turn a card game, into full on pornography.
Lets hope this was just drunken merryment from the night of new years.
Kudos to all the PC gamers out there.