Aug 27, 2006 20:07
A little more 'happy' than the last ten.
11. My three favorite movies are "Disney's Robin Hood" "The Lion King" and in odd contrast "The Fifth Element"
12. The most time I have spent playing computer games in a single week is 138 hours. (Two years ago)
13. I beleve in a score that can be used to determine how worth talking to a person is. Its no co-incidence the score is exactly the same as that persons IQ.
14. My clothing style is either years behind or years ahead, I'm not sure. Either way it's different than anyone elses I know.
15. Scary movies don't bother me, unless it involves cartoon animals (and then its not really a 'scary' movie, but scares me anyway..)
16. The one thing that annoys me most is all the stupid "Snape kills Dumbledore" jokes on the internet. Well heres a spoiler for you. I just read the dictionary and the the zyzzyva did it.
17. I was forced to grow up quicky, as a result I missed most of my childhood. I make up for this now.
18. Almost all my friends are/have been female. Of these, almost all have ended up with a crush on me. This is a lot worse than it sounds.
19. Quantum Thoery facinates me. More to the point, I understand it.
20. I have a hundred or so ideas for stories. I don't write them because I beleve there would be little point.