Dec 22, 2004 17:28
ok kids i'm bored and i'm looking for something to do. sooooo if any of you have mcr icons or friends only banners or other graphics crap that you want done (has to be mcr) let me know. if you have specific things you want on it, specify. if not, you'll leave me to my own devices. not the best thing sometimes.
let me know :D
ps-> i don't do journal layouts, i'm too fucktarded to learn codes. spanks.
EDIT: ok. i really want to learn how to put the little movies into icons. but apparently i'm too inept to google it because i'm not finding anything. if anyone knows of a program or a starting point, or any of that good stuff, please let me know. spanks. :)
tee hee. nevermind :) found it :) be back with a new one later :D