sitefights is apparently down, so i'll just have to use this as my default icon until it's back up. there's a story behind it.
so i made this icon in response to another user's blog. it is retaliatory and blatant but guess what. i don't care.
let me start out by saying that i fully understand that there is a need for some to find a purpose, and follow a higher power. i don't agree with the logic, and i don't agree with the tools provided in their search, but it's their beliefs. whatever floats your boat.
personally, i have never been raised to believe in anything other than what i felt worked for me at the time. i remember in grade 5 my school handed out the new testament. i tried to read it but the novelty wore off. in high school, i was a practicing wiccan, and through my advanced program english class, i was forced to search through the steaming pile of shit most of you call the bible for various references to literature we were reading at the time. i can tell you that at the exact moment i was required to read it, i became a full blown atheist. how the bible can be applied to modern day living, i will never fucking understand, and as for any self respecting woman who calls herself a christian, i fully believe that if you believe in what that shit says, then you don't love and respect yourself at all. anyone who has read about the code of conduct to be applied to women during their menstrual cycles and can still sit there and respect that book as truth is beyond me.
let's not forget the fact that the story has been passed down through thousands of years. it's like a big fucking game of telephone. some dude decides to rewrite shit, decipher more of the language, make some shit up and throw in his personal theories, and there you have it. after this amount of time, the original story is most likely so fucked up, so opposite to the current version, that it's insane how anyone can proclaim it to be true and worthy of living one's life by the rules outlined in it.
now don't get me wrong. i am all for being nice and respecting each other and all the rest of that crap, but that's common sense and morals taught by your teachers, your parents, and your peers. in this day and age, with all the science, all the technology, all of the knowledge we as a society have, HOW can these myths still be plausible?
let's not forget the hypocrisy in organized religion either. islam is fucking full of hypocrisy, as is christianity, as are most of the more common religions. christianity preaches love thy neighbor and blah blah blah... why is it that wars are carried out in their god's name. why is it that god supposedly forgives all sins. let's be totally fucking honest here for a second. you are telling me that some of the most evil, most reprehensible, disgusting, foul, putrid people on earth can suddenly appeal to this omnipotent being in the sky and be absolved of their wrong doing? wrong. no they can't. and i hate that it's that fucking easy. they throw themselves on the mercy of their lord, and instantaneously they're a better person than someone who doesn't? give me a fucking break. and all of these wars, all of this famine, all of this hate in the world - where the fuck is god to fix it all. and don't give me that shit about how it's god's will and god doesn't start wars, people do, and god is just testing us. if he supposedly made us all in his image, then he must have been doing some serious fucking acid that day. what a joke.
back in the day, i am sure that religion gave a lot of hope to some very very sad people. it also destroyed a lot of lives, most of them literally with the push to convert over to a religion that wasn't native and wasn't respected. (let's not get into that little subject today.) but in this day and age, it's been overrun by greed, capitalism, the male perspective, fantasy, impossibility, fiction, hate and vengeance. it's used by some to keep people in line, it's used by some to discriminate against others and it's used by some to feel like they are part of something bigger than this world. i don't need to get into the many crimes carried out by man in god's name. i don't care to get into every detail in that book that is scientifically untrue and impossible. but what i will say is this: these are my beliefs. i am not the only one on this earth who feels this way. and when i see or hear of someone pushing THEIR beliefs on others, it upsets me greatly. you believe what you want, i believe what i want. i don't go around freely proclaiming your god is a joke, don't ever fucking tell me that i am going to some fiery pit in the earth (which by the way ISN'T FUCKING THERE) just because i choose to be a stronger person than to place false hope in something nobody's ever seen. other than that, i'm sure we'll be the best of friends. thanks for reading. comments are always appreciated, and that includes the inflammatory ones.