bleh... nothing much to say other than the fact that ARRRRRGH. the psp i sent to emmy didn't go through. and i don't know how to zip up the one i have. sorry emmy :(
i made a new gallery on neo. it's for gnomes. and the bg is really fucking ugly so i'll have to rectify that as soon as it's back up.
or maybe tomorrow.
my webpage with the screenshots of the "fuck" incident is now up. it's
here. i laughed and laughed and laughed because i never see blatant swearing on the boards. and i'm a profane kinda girly. it was a great release. for the rest of you out there who want to see more profanity on neopets, try this: enter your favorite swear word into the search box. (ie: motherfucker.) see what happens. it's funderful. you'll get a warning or two but don't worry, they won't freeze you. and if they do, i didn't make you do it now did i?
*note to annie: this is the final test on experiment #44UHJ98*
so i had to take my tazzy boy to the vet last night. he had a huge mat (about the size of a kiwi) on the side of his neck and i had been meaning for the last couple of days to cut it out because it had to be bothering him. so i held him down and started clipping. i finally thought i was getting to the root of the mat when i snipped and oh jesus fuck there was blood. and a lot of it. so i flung the scissors across the room, grabbed some toilet paper and held it there while i FREAKED OUT. i thought i had just killed my cat. i took the paper away to take a look at this wound i had given him and it was NASTY. like a huge hole in the side of his neck, and goddamn i almost passed out. so i tripped out and called jason telling him i was on my way to take tazzy to the vet. then i called dad and he told me that grant was on his way to help me. then i called the vet, stuck tazzy in a pillowcase and waited for him. my dad came with grant, they took tazzy and drove to the vet. i followed. the whole way there i was freaking out so i drove like a maniac. i got there, tazzy was already with the vet and sitting on the table. they had shaved around where i had cut him, and the vet informed me everything was ok, it was just an infected cyst.
*pukes all over shoes*
so in any case, tazzy is fine, everything is fine, and it's healing up really nicely already. but i'll never forget it, ever. and i doubt tazzy will ever let me cut out his mats again. i doubt i want to :S
so i guess that's about it. i need to go and clean my car before it starts raining again. so i'll update later. :D