The complaint thread was visible on the ER board yesterday for a while, I for one saw it. It was just a lot of stuff about Noa & Susie. Names & complaints were shown, including yours & Chanie's.
Personally, I really don't want to get involved in the whole thing.
Yeah, I know. -__- I didn't expect them to be talking like that behind everyone's back; guess we should have expected it, though. I don't know if you saw, but Liz was laughing that there'd 'actualy be a 'ship named Luby.' Grr...
Yeah, I saw that. You know what, people can laugh all they want, but it's the only ER 'ship name that actually has a meaning, beyond being a combination of two names. ::shruggs::
Personally, I really don't want to get involved in the whole thing.
And I hope that Roxy that you guys mention is not me...? :look: ;)
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