/ Vidding Meme \

Jun 23, 2016 22:10

Felt like doing one of these since Vidding is on my mind. Stolen from this old post.

Questions / Answers: (Some questions removed fyi)

1. Describe your comfort zone-a typical you-vid.
I like easy, simple editing like clean cuts and crossfade transitions. If I feel like a vid could be best with added effects and what not, then that's when i'm out of my comfort zone. Also I get really intimidated with large amounts of footage, so you rarely see me take on TV shows that go passed 5 seasons or huge mutli-fandom vids. If i'm passionate enough about the video idea, I will eventually take on these kind of "huge or flashy" vids regardless. It's good to challenge yourself every once in a while.

2. Is there a genre or style you've yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I feel like I've covered most of the genre's. I can't even think of one. There was a slower paced style that I wanted to try and I did finally this year. I always love fast everything and changing it up to something slower was a really, really nice change. There's so many different styles of editing, and so many that i've seen people come up with and they are cool as hell, but I like doing my "style" you know..

3. Is there a genre or style you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole?
I still can't touch the whole "Voiceover" in vids style. I know there's a way to do it right, but seeing so many vidders doing it wrong makes me cringe to the extreme. I have seen some fantastic voiceovers / sound effects added though so it definitely can enhance the vid if done right. It's not my style though. I enjoy hearing the music than distracting as hell voiceovers that can sometimes make my ears bleed 'cause it's too damn loud or just sounds terrible. I'd rather see the emotion & story through the clips/song.

4. How many vid ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
I have so many vids that are sitting undone, either from lost of interest or what not. Plus a huge vid list I haven't even started. Recently for the past 2 years, I have finished all the vids I started so that's progress! I have several multi fandom vid ideas that I'd love to work on. Thinking of some action and more dance ones for next years CVV. I don't really like to share my "Ideas" too much online before I make the vids.

5. Share one of your strengths.
Probably one of my favorite strengths is my sense of musicality. I discovered this kind of by accident I feel like. I just dropped a certain clip and it went with the music (example: Wind sound effects in song - synced with Wind blowing clip). Ever since then, It's something I love to focus on in most of my vids. I also think I handle relationship or character studies pretty well and matching the emotion on characters faces with the music.

6. Share one of your weaknesses.
I feel like one of my weaknesses is probably not experimenting more. I kind of always have the mindset of "Let me just get this done as quickly as possible before i lose interest" kind of mindset, so I don't ever take the time to play around and make something I guess more "Attractive" or "Cool". Like there's so many times when I tell myself, I want to try something different - like maybe an effect or a different way of video editing, but I just don't take the extra step and time to do them. Maybe one day!

7. Point to a section from one of your favorite vids you've made and explain why you're proud of it.
I'd say out of my recent vids,  Memo is the one I'm most proud of. There's a lot of great moments in that video, but my favorite section is "2:44-2:47 - I want you to stay" because it's so beautiful and it kills me literally every time.

8. Which vid was the hardest to make?
Anything that was out of my comfort zone.  Jennifer's body vid was #1 - that one took me FOREVER to finish because it was challenging for me.

9. Which vid was the easiest to make?
 Anything that was short and sweet or a really small source. This one takes the cake for the easiest video I have ever made " Come a little closer"

10. Is there a section of canon above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
"Boy Slash" canon is what inspires me more than any other canon. I'm always down for making these videos. I blame Wincest that started it all! LOL

11. If you only could vid one show/movie for the rest of your life, which show/movie would it be?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, that's my show FOR LIFE!! I could find so many video ideas just for this show, so It would last me a while.

12. Do you work mostly from start to finish, or do you vid sections out of order?
Start to Finish is the way I go, but most of the time, I do start on a section that I "Pictured" in my mind working with the song. Actually when I think about it, The bridge is always my favorite section to work on first.

13. Do you use any tools, like clip notes or storyboards?
Not really. I've been just using Markers in Sony Vegas sometimes with the name of a scene or with a line of lyrics I think the clip would work with. It's also good if you have a lot of sources, specifically multi-fandom.

14. Describe your perfect vidding conditions.
Room must be locked!! Everyone loves to bother me, and I just hate the distraction so that's my #1 always. A good pair of headphones, snacks and water. Coffee is the best pick me up if you start getting real tired, lol.

15. How many times do you usually revise your vid before posting?
Not much at all. I make sure I'm happy with what I place on the timeline before moving on because it will drive me insane.

16. Choose a section from one of your earlier vids and talk about whether and how you'd do it differently now.
A lot... I've made a lot of mistakes and to this day those videos bother me. I ask myself, "why did I choose to do this?!" lol. Any vid that was extremely literal from beginning to end I would change. I've repeated the mistake of mishearing the lyrics and using clips that went with the misinterpreted lyrics so then it makes no sense when I actually find out the lyrics were completely different. I'm getting better about looking up lyrics before I start a video these days! I won't choose a specific vid or anything, but there were many.

17. If you were to revise one of your older vids from start to finish, which would it be and why?
I always thought about revising my old Romeo and Juliet video. I made it the first year I started vidding and feel like it had potential to be a good vid, but I just failed to deliver. I watch it occasionally and think how much better I could make it! I could even turn into a video with several movie adaptions of Romeo and Juliet to spice it up.

18. Have you ever deleted one of your published vids?
Well I removed my old 2006 vids from the internet, but I still have those saved in my hard drive. I did delete a long time ago two really bad videos I made, but to this day I actually regret this decision even if they were really bad. I always think about how I would have loved to see those "flop" vids again.

19. Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
Yep; I feel like i'm pretty harsh with myself when i start the vid off, but after I get into the flow of it, I can kind of relax and enjoy myself more. I just want to make sure i'm completely satisfied with what I made before I finalize and publish it.

20. How do you feel about collaborations?
Never done one before, but I'm not sure if I would ever do one. Maybe if someone out there really wanted to with me, then I would consider it. I usually like to just stick with my own stuff though.

21. Share three of your favorite vidders and why you like them so much.
I love all vidders :P, why must I pick only three?

Bradcpu - His videos from the beginning had inspired me to become a better vidder. His faith vid was my biggest inspiration. I became a fan ever since. His videos are soooo damn good. I was even determined to improve myself as a vidder to hopefully impress him with my vids one day, lol! It's true.

Grable424 - Perfect example of a vidder that can flawlessly integrate Voice overs and Sound effects in their fanvids. I am in awe of this vidders amazing vids! "Insane Like Me" is one of my favorites!

Sim Malec - Boy slash goals! I can't help but squee when this vidder post a new vid. I always love to see what the vidder comes up with. Lots and lots of good entertaining vids.

22. How do you feel about crack?
Love it! It's so much fun to make fun of characters, dialogue, etc.. Why not?! We all need a little humor here and there.

31. Which is your favorite site for posting vids?
My journals, website, twitter, tumblr and AO3 - pretty much everywhere.

32. Talk about your current vids in progress.
There's a lot just sitting in sony vegas waiting to be finished. I have one for Teen wolf, The Fall, random movies, multi-fandom ones, and soo much more.. The one I want to for sure finish one day is the Teen Wolf one, it's only on Season 1-2, but I absolutely love the vid idea and the parallels are on point! I have about a minute done. I'll try to finish that one soon. Then I want to work on a Faking it vid, now that the show is cancelled - I don't need hold off on making the video any longer.

33. Talk about a comment or review that made your day.
Anoel's review of Memo is so great! It made me smile so much and she was extremely detailed with her review. No one has ever taken the time to write a review like the one she did, so I appreciate it greatly still to this day.

34. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Not so much these days. I've had a few. One I got was on youtube when I was a newbie vidder. I wrote in my description how happy I was with the outcome of the video and someone wrote, "This sucks!!! This is not what a good video looks like."... Yeah rude much lol; But that comment drove me to work on improving my vids, so I can't be mad about it when it actually was good for me to read that. Also the dude was right, It really was a terrible vid, lol but of course back then when I made it I thought it was cool.

Now for the worst, one review I got actually changed how I felt about one of my vids. The review made me not want to watch "this" certain vid as often as I re-watch my others. I actually went years without watching it again. I even debated taking the video down because the vidder made me feel like I had done something really wrong and that my video came off a certain way. I felt pretty shitty about it and swore to never touch certain topics again. The reviewer apologized to me though and I get where they are coming from, but I still feel like to this day that I probably should have not made the video.

I am a lot more careful about what I vid these days. I pretty much stick to what's important and meaningful to me.

The end.
comments @ Dreamwidth

vidding, meme

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