Random + Seven Days of Self Promotion - Day 7

Jun 20, 2014 14:49

Oh my, I almost forgot to do the last day (day 7). I was so busy this week, I just had an interview this morning and I would be video editing for a small music production company as a side job. It's pretty cool, they have some famous musicians stop by and do live acoustic sets.

Also, just had to include this post/article 'cause it's hilarious. This is the first time I have seen this, but Spiderman statue was left up for a year in Korea where you can see him with a boner, it was finally removed from the public.

1. Something old
2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

There's a few vids I've made that I'm really proud of, but one in particular is the video I made to the Resident Evil films. I feel like this video kick started my love for making Action packed vids. This was the video where I first really played around with musicality as well. I feel like if I never made this video, that I would have never made that Sucker Punch vid the same way (my second action vid) and the videos that are coming soon in a few months.

Password: kittyvids

Resident Evil- "Sick" from Kitty on Vimeo.

vidding, meme

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