2013 Scrapbook

Dec 31, 2013 11:33


In order for me to remember my year, I need this LJ Scrapbook in my life. A year passes by, and I fail to remember everything that went down. For 2013, I hear by swear to update this scrapbook everyday so I can look back at my year.

★★★★★ - Fantastic
★★★★ - Pretty Cool
★★★ - Worth Watching
★★ - Nothing Special
★ - Fail

001. Texas Chainsaw 3D - ★★
002. Chernobyl Diaries - ★★
003. Jackal Is Coming - ★★
004. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters - ★★★★
005. Warm Bodies - ★★★★★
006. Love Me - ★★★
007. American Mary - ★★★
008. For a Good Time Call - ★★★★★
009. Spork - ★★★★★
010. Total Recall - ★★
011. Beautiful Creatures - ★★★
012. Spring Breakers - ★★★
013. Evil Dead - ★★★★
014. The Host - ★★★★★
015. Mama - ★★
016. This Is The End - ★★★★★
017. The Conjuring - ★★★

*My Favorite Movies watched in 2013*
- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
- Warm Bodies
- For a Good Time Call
- Spork
- The Host
- This is the End

001. Shameless: S1 - ★★★★★
002. Shameless: S2 - ★★★★★
003. Shameless: S3 - ★★★★★
004. Please Like Me - ★★★★★
005. Suburgatory: S2 - ★★★★
06. Hannibal: S1 - ★★★★★
07. Teen Wolf: S3 - ★★★★
08. Tower Prep: S1 - ★★★★

Currently Watching:
Days of Our Lives (Will/Sonny Storyline)
General Hospital (Michael/Kiki/Morgan Storyline)
Bates Hotel - S1
Orphan Black - S1
Supernatural - S8
2 Broke Girls - S2
Glee - S3
The Secret Circle - S1
The Ringer - S1
New Girl - S1
Nikita - S2

001. NONE YET - ★★★★★

Currently Watching:
- Ma Boy
- To The Beautiful You
- Possessed
- Shut Up Flower Boy Band
- Operation Proposal (Korean Version)
- Switch Girl
- 11 Nin Ni Iru
- Yokai Ningen Bem
- Me Too, Flower
- Lie To Me
- My Princess
- Secret Garden
- All My Love
- Boys Over Flowers
- Smile, You
- Q10

001. omonatheydidnt
002. Drama Crazy
003. Drama Fever
004. D-Addicts
005. plotboxes
006. Tumblr
007. Pinterest
008. Youtube
009. Break
010. Ebay

001. Eastsiders - Sexy As Hell "B-Day Gift Vidlet" (January)

! scrapbook 2013

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