Girl's Generation make you feel the heat...

Oct 18, 2011 11:58

Girl's Generation (aka SNSD) released their MV & Album today! I'm definitely loving "The Boys" title song. I'm really glad they released an English version of the song, 'cause I think I actually like it better :P.

Why are they so beautiful??!!! This song is my new jam.

image Click to view

Korean Version MV is Here..

Real life update: I just recently celebrated my 23rd Birthday. I spent the day at Magic Kingdom (Disney World in Florida) and it was fun as always. However they are building a entirely new section with new rides/etc that looks pretty awesome (comes out in 2012).

As for B-Day presents, My mom has blown me the hell away and spent so much money on me. She bought me some kitchen supplies, Babycakes Cake Pop Maker (OMG, Yes!), Babycakes Mini Muffin Maker, a 400+ dollar - Blue Topaz Heart Ring (It's so pretty!) and spent 100 dollars for us to go to Melting Pot (so yummy! Fondue fest!). I told her to not even consider buying me Christmas presents, and I seriously hope she doesn't buy me anything else.

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k-pop, k-pop: snsd, music, kitty's life

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