Before We Go Up in Flames [5/7]

Jan 13, 2016 14:05

Let | Me | Love | You |

- ONE -
For the first time in days, Chanyeol dreamt.

Baekhyun. His were eyes closed, bare feet carefully gliding along as he danced in the grass. Fireflies. At his fingertips, around his legs, tangled in his hair. Strings of light trailed behind him, splitting through the darkness of the surrounding area with each slow step, like ribbons floating in the wind with each pirouette.

For the first time in weeks, Chanyeol remembered how beautiful dreams could be.

Entranced, Chanyeol slowly reached out as if to touch him, as if attempting to confirm that this beautiful display of life, light, and color was real, but Baekhyun and all the colorful dancing lights seemed to draw away. Chanyeol took a step forward, and then another, and then he was running, chasing after Baekhyun, who only seemed to be retreating further with every step Chanyeol took, until all of the light faded into darkness, taking Baekhyun along with it, and Chanyeol was just aimlessly reaching out into the dark with a useless shout of his name. Only a tug on his shirt from behind stopped him. He turned to see Jongin, his fist aimed at his face, and as it hit, Chanyeol staggered backward in numb surprise, his eyes wide and confused as he fell to the ground. Jongin’s fingers curled in his shirt as he tugged him up from the floor, but Chanyeol was unable to focus on anything but the bleeding scratches on his face. Jongin was screaming, yet Chanyeol heard nothing but the ringing in his ears as his vision blurred.

“Baekhyun isn’t here! He’s not coming back; how long is it going to take you to realize that?!”

Chanyeol sat there quietly, panting as the words echoed in the endless black space of his mind, barely taking notice as Jongin slowly warped into Kyungsoo. Holding a long, thin rapier underneath his chin, his short nemesis chuckled darkly. “It’s pathetic, really,” he whispered, lowering his sword to Chanyeol’s belly button, and with a simple thrust forward, everything faded to black.

Chanyeol’s eyelids were heavy as he awoke the next morning. His muscles were sore, his thighs and arms ached as he stretched, pausing only as he looked down to take notice of the small blonde man curled in his arms, his body hot as he shuffled against Chanyeol’s chest in his sleep, lips parted to take in soft breaths of air and let out a small whimper.

Chanyeol could feel himself slowly waking, and a smile spread across his face as he was overcome with feelings of adoration, protection, affection, love.

He wrapped his arms around Baekhyun and brushed his nose against his nape, letting his sweet scent tickle his nose.

Chanyeol didn’t have a favorite scent, but if he was asked, he would smile and respond “Baekhyun.” Baekhyun’s scent in the mornings, raw, pure, and divine, the scent in the afternoon that lingered on his lips when he kissed him, the scent in the evenings when they would lie down to sleep that seeped into his dreams.

Chanyeol’s favorite everything was simply Baekhyun.

Baekhyun stirred in Chanyeol’s arms, turning over as he slowly awoke to the touch of his lips on his neck. “Chanyeol?”

“Don’t move.” Chanyeol placed his hand on the back of Baekhyun’s head, drawing him into his chest with a soft sigh. “Let’s stay like this for just a bit longer.

Baekhyun shuffled against his husband’s chest with a lazy hum and a slow nod.

As Baekhyun relaxed in his arms, Chanyeol could hear Jongin’s words repeating in his head.

‘He’s not coming back, hyung.’

He held on tighter.

From Jongin: ‘Looks like a thunderstorm.’

Every ticking second of the clock throbbed in Chanyeol’s head as he watched Baekhyun tap his fingers on the windowpane to the tune of his agony.

“It’s been raining a lot these days, hasn’t it?” Baekhyun asked as he stared out the window. “I’m not as fast as I used to be; I wonder if I can still dodge them when it’s raining this heavily.”

Chanyeol sighed, reaching forward to draw him into his arms. “How about we spend at least one day this week without forcing me to run after you as you do something dangerous?”

Baekhyun laughed, looking up from the window to Chanyeol. “Is that a warning for me or for you?”

Chanyeol frowned down to Baekhyun before resting his chin on top of his head. “Both of us.”

Baekhyun smiled and closed his eyes. “I’m not the reckless one here; who’s the one that always burns everything when he’s upset?” he asked with a soft laugh, expecting another snarky remark from his husband, but Chanyeol’s arms just tightened around the blonde’s small frame, and he remained quiet. Baekhyun’s laughter faded out, his smile turning into a thin line as he looked back out the window at the rain. Chanyeol’s eyes slowly lowered to stare at Baekhyun’s reflection in the window.

It was their final day together.

Chanyeol had made a large breakfast in the morning and a large dinner, and throughout it all, Baekhyun gave him curious, concerned glances, graciously accepting everything with a “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do this.” Every so often, he would put his hand on Chanyeol’s arm as he’d ask, “Is something wrong? Are you okay?” Chanyeol would just nod with a soft “Please enjoy it.”

There were no plans to go out, especially not while it was raining, and no plans to do anything inside. There were no cookies to be made, nor were there any walls to be painted, drawings to be drawn, melodies to be sung. Chanyeol had been awkwardly silent for the whole day, and Baekhyun easily noticed it, but he knew better than to ask. Asking would only be met with more silence. Rather, Baekhyun stayed by his side, snuggling up against him and curling his fingers in the gaps between Chanyeol’s whenever he was given the chance, just to imply a simple I’m here, and I love you.

Chanyeol couldn’t believe that he had already spent a week doting on Baekhyun until there was nothing left to dote on, yet it still felt like there was everything left to be said and no time left to say it. His tongue was heavy with words, but his throat, dry with unease.

Chanyeol’s eyes drifted away from Baekhyun’s reflection and focused back on the heavy patter of the rain. Baekhyun would be leaving today. And he’d never return.

Baekhyun made a noise of discomfort as he squirmed in Chanyeol’s arms, loosening them enough to slip out from his embrace. Chanyeol looked down to him with a question forming on his lips, quickly silenced by Baekhyun’s “Stay there, I’ll be right back,” and Chanyeol was left behind, only able to sigh as he watched him leave, before turning back to the window.

This is it, he mused as he watched the droplets race down the glass. He closed his eyes with a soft groan, another burden settling on his shoulders as he thought it all over. He had a plan, at least, although whether it would work in his favor or not was still unknown. Would the choices he made today make Baekhyun happy? Would he suffer? Most importantly, would he survive? And if he did, would he forgive him?

It was their final day, yet nothing about his plans were final. He had more questions than he had answers, more worries than assurances. Baekhyun might live. Baekhyun might die. All of the possible outcomes were causing him such a headache; he almost preferred when he was stuck thinking in absolutes. And even now, it was still such a small chance, was it truly even worth all the stress and ambiguity? He had been continuously glancing at Baekhyun’s calendar, willing the date to flip back, wishing that flipping back the days would actually turn back time so they could pause time and just coexist for a little bit longer, but even Chanyeol knew that was impossible. It was their final day together. Their final chance to kiss under the stars, their final chance to touch, to harmonize, to love, to truly feel alive. It was Chanyeol’s final chance to say “I love you,” yet he couldn't say anything at all, and he was stuck here instead, solemnly watching the rain stream down the window.

A tap on his shoulder and the soft piano of a familiar tune drew him out of his thoughts. He turned around to Baekhyun, wearing a suit and tie, holding his hand out with a shy smile. “May I have this dance?”

Baekhyun hummed as they twirled in unhurried circles, step by slow step, soft tendrils of light streaming behind them, bubbles of light floating, dancing around them to the music, and bursting in sync with Baekhyun’s soft giggles. Light sparkled around their bare toes on the cold, hardwood floor, and if Chanyeol focused hard enough, it was almost just like their wedding day all over again, with Baekhyun in his white suit, dancing like they were the only two in the room, everyone else forgotten and silent in the midst of their happiness.

Chanyeol let a genuine smile touch his lips for the first time that day.

They danced to their song, letting their worries drown out with the rain, for as long as they were inside, they were safe; as long as Baekhyun was in Chanyeol’s arms, he was safe, and right now, nothing could touch them. Nothing could disturb them. And they danced into the evening as the music played, Baekhyun singing the melody, Chanyeol humming the harmony, buzzing with joy and laughter in the open space of the room. With Chanyeol’s arms around Baekhyun’s waist, and Baekhyun’s arms on his shoulders, it seemed so simple, but the mutual feelings shared between them were anything but ordinary.

Instead of saying I love you, let me show you.

Chanyeol’s steps slowed and he pulled Baekhyun in for a tight hug. Baekhyun’s arm eventually snaked up behind Chanyeol’s head as he pulled their foreheads together, their noses touching as Baekhyun let out a soft giggle, his body giving off a low glow as he unconsciously floated up slightly from the floor, and Baekhyun was so happy just being caught up in recreating all the similarities of their wedding night, from the soft, chaste kisses shared like sparks between their lips, to the lights as they twirled slowly in the air. But Chanyeol stayed rooted to the ground, seeming to be invested in something else.

He let his head droop as he rested his chin on Baekhyun’s shoulder, then turned to place a soft kiss on his neck, letting his lips linger longer than necessary.

“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked softly, the light dancing on the walls slowing as the music in the background began to fade.

Chanyeol’s voice was soft. “Let me hold you for a bit.”

Baekhyun’s smile dimmed as his glow slowly faded, and he lowered to the floor, his feet cold against the hardwood as he stood pressed against Chanyeol.

Chanyeol took in a deep breath and tightened his arms around his husband. The music had stopped, replaced by the wind and rain tapping against the windows. This was terrible. Misery and bliss wrapped into one. It was breathing in one breath of precious air, knowing that he’d have to let it out. But he’d hold his breath for as long as he could, if only it’d give him a little bit longer to hold on, to at least pretend everything would be okay.

He breathed in.

I need you like I need air, like a flame needs oxygen to burn, like a lightbulb needs energy to shine.

He breathed out.

These were the last few minutes that he had left to spend with Baekhyun.

They stood there in silence, unable to ignore the thick, dark clouds that had been looming over Chanyeol’s head for any longer, and all the tension that had evaporated began to refill the room like a sudden downpour of rain, flooding the room with unease and anxiety. They stood there quietly, letting themselves drown in the silence between them, and the stress of the situation clung to their feet like anchors, dragging Baekhyun underneath the waves. Yet he stood there, letting Chanyeol hold on to him so tightly that he couldn’t breathe as they sank to the bottom together. A flash of lightning from outside made Baekhyun jump slightly, and the patter of rain on the roof and the windows took place of the silence. Baekhyun took in a slow breath as he shuffled uncomfortably in Chanyeol’s arms.

“Let me… go start the song over,” Baekhyun mumbled as he broke from Chanyeol’s hold, turning away from him until Chanyeol caught his wrist.


Baekhyun glanced back to him, his beautiful eyes wide in confusion. “Yes?”

Chanyeol stared at him for a few seconds, another awkward silence forming like a thick wall between them. If he could, Chanyeol would build it around Baekhyun like a fortress if it’d keep him safe. His eyes softened in distress. “Please don’t go.”

Baekhyun blinked. “...What?”

Chanyeol gave a slight tug to pull him closer. “Let’s just… stay here tonight. How does that sound?”

Baekhyun resisted, his fingers itching to pull away from him. “What do you mean?”

“I love you. You know that, right?” Chanyeol’s smile was forced and awkward.

“Of course I do, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun responded with a tilt of his head, “what’s gotten into you?”

“So please just trust me when I ask you to stay here.”

“Wh… what do you mean ‘stay here’?” Baekhyun asked with a bemused laugh, concern drawing heavy set creases across his forehead. “We have nowhere to go; it’s raining, and we’re-”

Their phones buzzed simultaneously, and although Baekhyun immediately looked down to check it, Chanyeol didn’t need to. It was a message from Jongin. Kyungsoo and Jongdae. Outskirts of town. Help requested immediately.

Baekhyun slowly looked back up to Chanyeol.


Chanyeol’s hand tightened. “Don’t leave.”

“Ch… Chanyeol, we…”

Chanyeol’s eyes darkened, his voice cracking in desperation. “Please don’t leave.”

Baekhyun’s voice shook as he subtly tried to pull away. “We… we have to go-”

Chanyeol’s hand tightened around his thin wrist. “I’m begging you not to leave.”

Baekhyun’s eyes shook slightly, laden in fear. “Why...”

Chanyeol only stared back at him in silence, unable to explain. Scared to even breathe the words, lest it seal his fate. All the fears, the possibilities, the mistakes ran through Chanyeol’s mind at once. Would leaving Baekhyun at home be a mistake? Would letting him tag along be a mistake? Yixing’s words repeated in his head. You can only do this once. Messing up and letting Kyungsoo and Jongdae rampage the city while Baekhyun may still not be alive after the night ends anyway…

If Baekhyun survives… will he be happy?

Chanyeol paled at the thought of Baekhyun sitting alone in his room, knees folded up to his chest, sobbing past the point of dehydration until he passed out. Baekhyun making pots of coffee for someone who wasn’t there and wouldn’t come back. Baekhyun not eating, not drinking, not sleeping because of nightmares. Surviving, breathing, but not living...

If Baekhyun survives… would he live?

Would it be a mistake to let the man he loves run straightforward into his death, but knowing the city would be destroyed if he did otherwise...

He let go.

Baekhyun took a step back with a nervous laugh. “Come on, Yeol, they’re probably waiting for us.”

Chanyeol stared at him for a few seconds, watching all the emotions flicker in his eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re so worried about, but everything will be fine, just like usual,” Baekhyun mumbled as he adjusted his suit jacket and headed off toward the door. “Have a little faith in me, yeah?”

“Baekhyun.” Baekhyun paused with one hand on the doorknob to glance over his shoulder. Chanyeol cleared his throat and looked away, the faint pink of an embarrassed blush touching his cheeks as he softly muttered, “Tell me you love me.”

Baekhyun turned around looking annoyed or scandalized, but Chanyeol wouldn’t look at him enough to tell the difference. “Are you questioning me? Come on, Yeol we don’t have time for this-”

“I’m not questioning you, I just… I need to hear it. Please.”

Baekhyun frowned and stepped forward to place his hand on Chanyeol’s cheek. He stood on the tips of his toes to give him a quick, chaste kiss. “I love you, idiot. Today, tomorrow, forever.”

Chanyeol looked down to Baekhyun for a few long seconds before he pulled Baekhyun closer to him and softly whispered into his hair, “I love you more.”

Rain. Darkness rolled between the trees and the bushes lining the path through the forest, split only by Baekhyun’s glowing figure as he glided along, ignorant to what lie ahead, just beyond the outskirts of the city. Unlike him, Chanyeol couldn’t get the images out of his mind, and with each step further into the night, he could feel static panic pooling in the puddles of low yellow light from the streetlamps. He almost expected the lights to burst. With every flash of lightning in the distance, with every clap of thunder, he saw scenes reminiscent of what he saw running up this path the first time. He saw glass shards reflecting the moonlight in the streets, blood mixing with the rain, fallen leaves, broken dreams shimmering in the air.

“Hurry up, Chanyeol!”

He shook the images from his head and followed Baekhyun.

The rain felt like weights, tugging him down as he ran behind Baekhyun. Yixing hadn’t picked up any of his calls earlier that day, and the frustration from everything was really taking its toll, and now here he was, about to run into battle with a plan full of holes and a husband whom he needed to protect and keep him ignorant of it the entire time. Chanyeol was being pulled apart by this inner turmoil, stuck between keeping quiet while hoping this would all go smoothly, and telling Baekhyun what he knew of his fate and what Chanyeol would try to do to stop it. He shook his head. Baekhyun would never agree.

Chanyeol blinked the rain from his eyes as he watched Baekhyun slow down at the edge of a stream, waiting for Chanyeol to catch up, shouting something back at him about being too slow. As Chanyeol caught up to him, Baekhyun turned to dash away, but Chanyeol stopped him quickly by gripping his wrist tightly.

“You stay by my side, okay?” he shouted above the booming thunder and downpour of rain.

Baekhyun turned back around to face him. “What?”

“Stay by me!” He grasped the blonde’s face with his free hand, trembling fingers curling lightly against his cheeks as his voice softened. “Don’t let me lose you.” I can’t lose you again.

Baekhyun laughed that anxious laugh again, and Chanyeol’s stomach churned as he pulled away. “Stop making me nervous.” He hopped forward, trailing light behind him in springs as he skipped along the loose stones in the rain. “Keep up, Yeol!”

Chanyeol sighed as he followed along, wishing he had a flame strong enough to put out all this rain.

Baekhyun’s light soon faded as he slid to a stop to keep himself from running into Sehun and Jongin, waiting at the edge of the forest. Sehun smiled as he took Baekhyun by the elbow and led him away from Chanyeol, who was left staring in their direction until Jongin clapped him on the back.

“So Sehun and I came up with something we think may work. I know you told us to be prepared, but we didn’t expect an all out war with those two if anything.” Chanyeol gave a grunt as he turned from Baekhyun to Jongin. “I’ve tracked them just beyond the bridge. They haven’t moved for the past several minutes.”

Chanyeol glanced up to the large suspension bridge between them and whatever was going on outside of the town. This wasn’t the right location. Why not the fairgrounds? “Are they waiting for something?”

“We don’t know, but if they are, let’s stop them before we find out. This is our plan. Baekhyun and Sehun…”

Chanyeol nodded to the first few points Jongin made before he slowly began fading into the depths of his mind along with the soft patter of rain. He let his head turn toward Baekhyun, crouching behind the bushes, nodding enthusiastically at whatever Sehun was telling him. Without a doubt, Baekhyun would ignore their plan anyway to rush in and do something stupid like usual, and the thought of losing him in battle, especially in such a preventable accident, was making Chanyeol’s head spin while regret and fear began to pool in the pit of his stomach.

He couldn’t do this.

“Are you even listening to a word I’m saying?”

“Jongin,” Chanyeol cut in, quickly turning back to face the teleporter. “Take Baekhyun home.”

Jongin’s face dropped from anger to surprise. “What? What do you mean take him home? This is Kyungsoo and Jongdae we’re up against. This is no time for games; we have a plan-”

Chanyeol began to stand, waving Jongin away. “I know, now take him home and keep him there, keep him safe!”

“Wha- Chanyeol, why?”

“Just do it! Now!”

Jongin barely got in another shout of his name before Chanyeol began running off toward the other two.

“Change of plans; you’re with me,” Chanyeol barked, tugging Sehun up from the ground and running off, shouting back to Baekhyun, “Go with Jongin!”

Sehun looked between the two of them, giving Baekhyun a confused look, and Baekhyun only returned a shrug. Sehun followed after Chanyeol like a lost deer as Jongin kicked at a bush before he began running over toward them, shouting something that Sehun couldn’t hear over a clap of thunder, much too near for anyone’s comfort. Baekhyun shouted something back at Jongin and pushed him away, running off in the other direction. Sehun paused to watch as Jongin childishly chased after him.

“Sehun!” Sehun snapped out of his daze at the sound of Chanyeol’s voice, “Come on!”

Sehun quickly jogged over to Chanyeol’s side as he shot glances over his shoulder, watching Baekhyun shout at Jongin as they tumbled in the grass before Jongin could roll on top of him and clamp his hand over his mouth before finally disappearing into smoke. “What’s going on?”

“They’ll be fine,” Chanyeol huffed, tugging Sehun along behind him.

Sehun looked back up to Chanyeol. “Will we be fine?”

Chanyeol gave a nod. “We’ll be fine.”

“It seems our guests have arrived.” Kyungsoo’s voice split through the air like a clap of thunder as Chanyeol and Sehun approached.

“Battle plan?” Sehun asked, worry scrawled across his brow.

Chanyeol gave a quick, distracted nod. “Yeah. Don’t die.”

“Jongdae!” Kyungsoo shouted, throwing a metal pole in his direction. Jongdae caught the pole and sent a pulse of power through it, sparking with green electricity, highlighting the crazed look in his eyes. “I think we’ll be finished quickly today.”

“Yeol…” Sehun said apprehensively, hiding behind Chanyeol’s back.

Chanyeol shielded Sehun from the two, his body beginning to bristle with his flame. “Just stay behind me, you’ll be fine.”

Kyungsoo smiled from across the expanse of land, absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair around his finger. “I appreciate your enthusiasm, Park, but unfortunately, tonight you’re not the main event.”

The ground shook. It felt like a stampede of wild gazelle approaching with haste and chaos, and Chanyeol looked up toward the horizon as an army of people clad in bulky, metal suits, marching in sync rolled over the hills in waves of gleaming silver.

Sehun tensed, tugging back on Chanyeol’s wrist to retreat, but Chanyeol stood his ground, albeit wide-eyed and confused.

This was… different. This should have been just like the attack the first time. If there were this many people during the first raid back then, Baekhyun would have known better than to stay and fight them all off. In fact, Kyungsoo and Jongdae wouldn't have run away that night either if they had another phase to their plan. With an entire army behind him, he was almost invincible. They weren't prepared for anything of this scale. Chanyeol’s eyebrow twitched as he stared up to Kyungsoo, who looked cocky as ever with an amused smirk playing on his lips.

“I was going to save this part of the game until later, but I thought, ‘Why not have a surprise party’?”

“Someone told them we were coming,” Chanyeol muttered to himself.

Sehun started. “You think there’s a leak in the team?”

Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening around Sehun’s wrist. He’d rather do this alone. “No. I trust the three of you.”

Kyungsoo’s army marched inward, forming a tight circle around the two of them as Kyungsoo continued speaking, but they were too preoccupied to listen.

Sehun tensed under the glare of the metal-bound soldiers behind their shielded visors. “If they're citizens, we can't hurt them.”

Chanyeol placed his hand on one of their chests and shot a burst of flame through it that quickly spread to the two beside it, consuming the three in fire, but Chanyeol only watched as they just stood there, noting the sparks of green electricity buzzing around their suits and the hole full of singed wires in the chest of the middle’s.

Sehun gasped. “Fire resistant?”

“They're androids.”

“So hasty today,” Kyungsoo cut in with a laugh as the androids drew their weapons. “But they don’t like playing games, you see.”

Chanyeol pulled Sehun closer to him as they held their breaths. But what was Kyungsoo waiting for? Being teased like this was a nuisance, but perhaps the humiliation was a form of attack itself.

“Ah,” Kyungsoo chuckled, “the terror on your face is delightful. But letting them kill you wouldn’t be fun; that’s not their purpose. I’d rather do it myself. They’d love to stay and chat, but they have a city to terrorize.”

The ground shook once again as the androids began shifting around them, marching away from Chanyeol and Sehun and in toward the city.

“Stop them!” Chanyeol shouted, shooting out short bursts of flame to hold them back.

Sehun followed suit, cutting through them fearlessly now that he knew he wasn’t hurting anyone. “There’s too many!” he cried out as they slipped past their defense. Frustrated that they could do nothing more than this, Chanyeol let out a shout until the familiar sound of static crinkling in the air disturbed his ears, and the hair on the back of his neck began to stand. He tugged Sehun back from his position as a bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of them, stopping them from their attack.

“Keep your eyes on me!” Jongdae shouted, rushing toward them to keep them busy as Kyungsoo lead the remaining androids away. Chanyeol and Sehun held him off as well as they could, although Chanyeol would rather be up there with Kyungsoo, keeping him away from the town line, but leaving Sehun alone with Jongdae was just as bad. It was frustrating and exhausting, the way nothing was going according to plan, adding new variables to an equation he didn’t know existed.

Chanyeol panted, shielding Sehun behind him as Jongdae stepped toward them, fingers outstretched to strike at any moment. He was twirling a long strand of electricity around his body like a gymnastic ribbon, and it would almost look as beautiful if it weren’t for the annoying smirk on his lips and the evil glow of his eyes.

“Jongin, let go!”

Chanyeol’s concentration was broken immediately.

Was that Baekhyun?

He took a single second to glance behind him, his eyes locking onto Jongin and Baekhyun fighting on the floor, screaming at each other as they rolled in the grass.

The crackle of electricity drew his attention back to Jongdae, the smirk on Jongdae’s lips turning into a wicked grin as he switched target, the lightning immediately shooting off toward-


Baekhyun looked up at the sound of Chanyeol’s voice. He pushed Jongin away from him and stood, drawing Jongdae’s electricity toward him to ground it like a lightning rod. His body glowed slightly from the aftermath.

He took a single confused glance toward Chanyeol before turning back to Jongdae.

Jongdae sped away from Chanyeol, shooting lightning at Baekhyun, who absorbed most of it, sending it back in the form of his own glowing arrows. Baekhyun glided along with a determined crease of his brow, focusing hard so he would not overcharge or even simply slip, either of which could easily be fatal.

“Park!” Chanyeol glanced up from the two and dropped to the floor, barely missing a swipe from Kyungsoo’s sword. He quickly jumped up to counter the strike, but Kyungsoo was already far ahead, calling Jongdae away from Baekhyun as they rushed into town after the androids.

“Sehun, Jongin!” Chanyeol shouted, waving his hand toward the town, telling them to chase after them, while he ran off toward Baekhyun.

“What’s going on?” Baekhyun asked, his glow fading as he let the excess energy drain from his system.

“What are you doing here?!” Chanyeol shouted, running over to his side.

“Trying to help - why did Jongin just try to leave me behind at home?”

Chanyeol screamed as the rain streamed down his face, holding Baekhyun’s face in his hands. “I’m trying to protect you, why won’t you listen to me?!”

“Protect me from what?” Baekhyun shouted back, and Chanyeol couldn’t tell whether it was confusion or betrayal in his eyes. “Why are you fighting alone?!”

“Can’t you just trust me and stay out of harm’s way?”

Baekhyun shook his head and pushed Chanyeol away. “No!” he responded with a frown. “We’re a team; I’m not leaving you alone.”

Chanyeol grappled for words, searching for a way to convey that that wasn’t the current issue at hand, but Baekhyun’s eyes narrowed with a hint of disappointment and something else as he slapped his hand away to cut him off.

“They’re heading in toward town; let’s go before you mess this up.” And then he was gone with a flash, leaving Chanyeol behind to stare, and a disgruntled noise escaped his lips just shy of a tantrum before he followed Baekhyun in toward the town.

The outskirts of town were in screaming chaos, from Jongin helping evacuate people as Sehun attacked the androids in bunches to decrease their numbers, but it all looked so futile when there were so many of them and so little time to finish.

Chanyeol joined Sehun’s side to help in the effort after looking around for anyone else, but there was no sight of Kyungsoo, Jongdae, or Baekhyun.

He stood his ground and pushed the androids back with a large wall of fire to buy Jongin time as he moved further in toward the city. They sparked in protest, but that electricity could only hold out for so long before their resistance would crash and they’d burn.

A crash from behind indicated that Baekhyun and Jongdae had come, along with the lights of the nearby houses flickering as they fought, lightning catching trees, lighting them up with flames as they fell down. When they were close enough, Chanyeol took a hand away from the androids to aim at Jongdae before Baekhyun shouted back at him to do his own job. He should have known better than to interfere. If Kyungsoo was Chanyeol’s nemesis, then Jongdae was Baekhyun’s.

Chanyeol cursed as he turned his attention away from Baekhyun. This isn’t what he wanted at all.

Their battle continued, yet Chanyeol was just standing around, glancing back every so often and wishing for the best. With a growl of frustration, Chanyeol pushed back against the androids, his flames growing stronger and hotter as he burned through the rows of silver, begging to just get this over with so he could help out his husband already, instead of standing here, shuddering at every deafening clap of thunder, able to do nothing but hope that Baekhyun was okay. Jongdae’s laugh diverted Chanyeol’s attention once again toward them, the crook of his arm tight around Baekhyun’s neck, streams of blood dripping from his hairline, with that deranged smile on his lips, and the swirl of the thick clouds overhead and the crackle of lightning in the air made the unease thicken in Chanyeol’s stomach.

Sehun finally let out a groan, nudging Chanyeol’s side, telling him to stop being distracted and go help Baekhyun out already, and after two quick confirmations and a short apology, Chanyeol turned away, not even giving the time to thank Sehun as he ran off, his thoughts screaming in discord, the pounding in his ears getting louder as his muscles burned, watching Baekhyun fight in Jongdae’s arms until he paused to shout.


Chanyeol leapt forward to save him with a scream of his name.


He couldn’t even finish the name before he felt a hard thwack of metal against the back of his head. He fell to the floor, instantly unconscious, with only the sound of Baekhyun’s scream ringing in his ears before it faded to black.


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