Title: Sunder
winterdaffodilsPairings: N/A
Word Count: ~110
Warnings: torture/abuse, general badness
Disclaimer: The sad truth of all fandom: I do not own them, receive only personal pleasure from playing with them occasionally, and hope the authoress herself or her lawyers are never truly offended by my attempts at flattery.
Summary: Failing Voldemort is Draco's greatest regret
Author's Notes:
hanyou_sensei gave me a wicked, tricksy word prompt.
Draco sobbed, curling tighter into himself amid the bones and shredded clothes of those who had occupied his cell before it had been given to him.
His body ached, his back and legs nothing but stripes of skin, blood soaking into what was left of his school robes as he shivered and moaned.
The light in the dungeon was dim at best, hiding the things that skittered and slithered in the darkness.
Draco prayed the noises he heard approaching were from rats but knew it could as easily be Nagini coming for a taste or someone else hoping for another go. He dragged himself against the rough-hewn wall, hiding his face.