Title: "The Gift That Keeps On Giving"
Author: dameruth
Challenge: 2010 Doctor/Jack fest
Characters: Ten/Jack
Series: None/standalone
Rating: PG/Teen
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Written for the prompt: "Ten, during his goodbyes, goes to see the Face die (from a distance), but stays longer, seeing him come back again as Jack. Somehow, Jack prevents the
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Comments 46
Absolutely lovely, even though (just like you) I'm not a fan of the Face of Boe thing. If it has to be true, this is how it should go - "you're gonna want to be drunk for that one", indeed! :D
So many cool bits! The Doctor's slow death, his no-this-isn't-a-reaction to Jack, this:
"That's impossible," the Doctor says, glaring.
"Yeah, I am," Jack says, and if it comes out sounding slightly snarky, well, maybe he's entitled to that.
And don't think I didn't notice the Doctor recognising Jack's naked body from behind, right away! Not to mention the absolutely perfect final line. :D But my absolute favourite was Jack's reaction to his old name. ♥
I figure Jack's always had a clothing-optional attitude (it's certainly canon that he doesn't mind being naked around others), so Nine probably got an eyeful more than once when Jack was living on the TARDIS. Even a Time Lord would have to notice (and remember) *that.* ;)
Thanks! glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
You've done a great job of showing us, rather than telling, that Jack is so much older and wiser here - far older, and probably knows more in some ways, than the Doctor. And I loved the Thought that might give you a lift line. Perfect! And the Doctor actually admitting, to himself and later to Jack, that he is attracted :) I thought at first, before Jack moved in to kiss him, that the Doctor was going to walk away and leave him there, and I was about to smack him for it - good for Jack for pushing the issue.
And, yes, I too love Jack's reaction to being called by that name :)))
Just one concern, though: Jack knows, though we don't, what interaction he's had with this and future Doctors from this point on until he died as Boe on New Earth; does that mean he can't stay with the Doctor for very long for fear of causing a paradox?
Oh, there was no way Jack would have let the Doctor walk away, especially given how sick Ten was. And I doubt even Ten would have behaved quite that way unless he was really ill; but it's like when you've got a bad flu, and a lot of things just leave your head entirely.
Yeah, I considered the question of how much Jack knew about the Doctor's future and how much he'd interacted with him before, but decided to just let it pass for the sake of this story. I figure he'll know how to work around the potential paradoxes when they show up . . . After all, he's had a looooong time to get used to stuff like that. :)
Any chance we'll get Jack's long story about becoming a head in a jar? And what they'll do after that drink? ;)
Thanks, glad you liked it!
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