Challenge: Mills and Boon

Feb 02, 2009 12:16

Welcome to February: the month of chocolate, St. Valentine, red roses, and grand romantic schemes.

And we all know how well grand schemes of ANY kind tend to go when the Doctor and Jack are involved.

It's time for you to tell us about them, in the Mills and Boon Challenge! (Or the Harlequin Challenge, depending where you live. :D)

Are they romancing each other? Romancing the Stone? Bent out of shape because they lack romance? These two are used to improbable plots - what happens if they're suddenly dropped into the kinds of adventures usually found between the covers... (of a paperback novel - get those minds out of the gutter)!  Or maybe they do get lost in a book - literally!   The course of true love never did run smooth....

AU, real world, or nefarious plot concocted by an enemy to get them out of the way, it's time to inflict some unadulterated romance of the bodice-ripping sort on our two favorites. Need some ideas? Check out Mills and Boon online - the more outrageous the plot, the better!

And remember - we now have a face for the Eleventh Doctor - and mysterious strangers are entirely the rage when it comes to romance novels. So why not play around with him? (Or, ahem, let Jack play around with him....)

As a gentle reminder, please don't crosspost stories for this challenge elsewhere until the challenge closes about one month from now. And don't forget - leave a comment in THIS post and tell us what you think the next challenge should be!

!admin, challenge: mills and boon

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