Jovialien: Something to look forward to. (Jack/Eleven) [PG]

Apr 23, 2011 17:24

Title: Something to look forward to
Challenge 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo
Prompt Used: "Something to look forward to" "Street corner, 2 in the morning"
Characters: Jack/Eleven, River
Ratings: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and I'm not making any money from this. If anyone at the BBC wants to offer me a job I'd be happy to change that though!
Summary: It had been a while since anyone had been able to surprise Jack but this was something he would never have expected.

Out of all the places Jack had thought he might see the TARDIS again, a street corner, at two am, on the biggest pleasure planet in the Orion galaxy was possibly last on the list. The Doctor on a pleasure planet? This he had to see.

It had been a very long time since he had last set foot in the TARDIS, not just decades but what felt like entire lifetimes ago. He wasn't even sure if it was the same TARDIS he knew; the woodwork looked newer and there was an odd logo on the door panel. It might not be his Doctor inside at all, maybe an earlier one, maybe one who would have no idea who he was. He might be messing up his entire timeline if he went in. He should really wait and watch to see who came out first, that would be the sensible thing to do.

Barely a second later, the small nondescript key was in his hand and sliding into the familiar lock, his breath held tight in his chest as it turned. Grinning he put his hand flat against the wood, feeling the familiar grain under his fingers and pushed.

The interior was so different to how he remembered it, nearly all the soft coral gone and a much larger space filled with chrome and what almost looked like Bakelite replacing it. Pulling the door closed behind him, a habit so engrained that he didn't even notice it, he stepped up into the TARDIS.

She was beautiful. Dragging his fingertips lightly over every surface that came within reach, he looked up into her soaring space and could feel the smile on his face growing wider with every inch. He was almost mesmerised, drinking in every single change and facet of her new interior and falling in love all over again.

“Hello beautiful,” he whispered quietly at last, dragging his fingertips along the edge of the new console lovingly.

“Hello cutie.”

He spun in surprise at the voice, for a second thinking the TARDIS had finally decided to speak up before he spotted a figure watching him from the top of one of the staircases with a welcoming smile on her face. Her long blue dress hugged her in all the right places and her curly hair was loose around her head, soft dark blonde waves standing out against the dark fabric.

Pulling back as though caught with his hand in the biscuit jar, Jack tried to hide his shock and nodded quickly. “Hi.”

“Hello,” she said again, coming down the staircase slowly, each move somehow cat like and speaking of a long familiarity with the TARDIS. A new companion perhaps? Or even an old one. Jack wasn't quite ready for the flash of jealousy that surged through him. He had half hoped he might see the Doctor but Jack was suddenly reminded yet again that time moved on, even for the Doctor, and that maybe his time had passed after all.

“Hi” he said with a small smile, backing away towards the door. “Sorry, didn't mean to intrude, I just-”

“River, have you seen my blue bow tie, I swear it was here just a minute ago, you haven't been destroying my clothes again have you, because you still owe me a new hat. I don't know what it is about you and my hats, hats are cool.” Jack looked up as a gangly figure suddenly burst out at the top of the stairs behind the woman, his collar sticking up and his clothes making him look like a very young yet old fashioned university professor. Somehow, despite the new face, Jack still recognised him straight away, his heart jumping at the sight of the man who he had once walked into hell alongside.

Make that at least twice.

“You left it on the console,” the woman, River, said smoothly, her tone patient as though talking to a child but the warmth to it suggesting a somewhat more intimate relationship. The way she looked at him wasn't the almost sisterly affection he had seen from Donna, nor the open adoration of Rose or Martha, yet there was still something there, something of that desire but with an edge of steel and fire behind it. Interesting.

“Honestly,” the Doctor muttered, striding past her on the stairs and glancing at Jack briefly. “Hi Jack.” Carrying on as though it was nothing out of the ordinary, he lolloped over to the console and grabbed the small scrap of blue fabric hanging off the zig zag plotter and began looping it around his neck and talking at it. “How on Earth did you end up on here, eh? I swear we have a sprite on board some days, although the amount you keep moving my things,” he added, pointing at River sharply, “it's a miracle I can find anything around here.”

Bow tie fastened, the Doctor shook his head and leaned over the console to check his reflection in one of the shinier panels, the image of Jack reflected just over his shoulder as he worked. “It's bad enough with Amy leaving her things all over the place without you draping clothes all over the console at every opportunity and-”

He suddenly stopped in mid sentence, standing up slowly and turning round to face Jack again. His face froze as he took in the man standing there, his eyes darting quickly over Jack's body as though trying to convince the rest of him that they hadn't gone mad. “Jack.”



“I believe you covered that point,” River broke in, a sly grin on her face as she came over to them both, her hand sliding to rest on Jack's back as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Hello Captain, it's good to see you again.”

As she pulled back, both men turned to face her with identical shocked expressions and simultaneously spoke. “Again?”

“We've met?” Jack asked quickly.

“You've met?” The Doctor said at the same time, pointing between the two of them.

Looking between them, River chuckled softly and shrugged, folding her arms across her chest. “Spoilers,” she purred quietly, unfolding her arms again and placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “Let's just say, it will be worth the wait. For both of you.” Leaning in, she kissed first the Doctor then Jack on the cheek then patted their arms. “I'm going to go enjoy the local night life. You boys be good.” Grinning wickedly, she turned on her heel and left them to it, the pair of them watching her go almost open mouthed.

It was Jack who finally broke the silence, pointing after her with a confused expression. “And she is...?”

“Her? She's River.”

“I caught the name, I meant, who is she?”

The Doctor frowned but a tiny smile appeared on his lips as he shrugged helplessly, shaking his head as he stared at the TARDIS door. “She... It's a long story and someone keeps moving my bookmark so I don't actually know yet. But she is...” He shrugged again.


“Oh yes,” The Doctor agreed quickly, unable to disagree on that point. “Most definitely fun. Annoying as hell sometimes, smug and a bit of a know it all-”

“Sounds like a female version of you-”

“But she is most definitely...” the Doctor waved his hand aimlessly, searching for the word.

“Fun?” Jack finished again, a sly smile on his face. Staring more openly at this new Doctor, he couldn't quite get over how young he looked, younger than Jack had looked even when they had first met all those lifetimes ago.

He was somehow more relaxed than when Jack had known him, as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders or some internal battle finally ended. And yet there was still that indefinable sense of age and power emanating from even this gangly form, the intensity of his stare in no way diminished. And there was no denying, there was still that same electricity to him, that completely inescapable energy and excitement that could make the hairs on Jack's arm stand on end.

Not to mention, he was really kindof cute. Not necessarily handsome, but classic and interesting and... hot. Definitely hot.

Leaning in close, Jack couldn't resist grabbing the Doctor's face gently and kissing him just once more. It was almost a chaste kiss by Jack's standards, just gentle, but he just had to know if there was any hope; his relationship with the last regeneration had been too strained by grief and pain and fire by the end to ever just relax, but maybe this time, this one-

As the Doctor kissed him back, Jack grinned happily into the kiss, laughing as he felt the Doctor's hands grab at him hungrily, half expecting to feel a leg hook around his waist. Pulling them both back against the console, Jack leaned against its edge and raised an eyebrow curiously as he looked at the Doctor.

The Doctor was almost blushing, hastily readjusting his clothes as he let go, but there was a definite spark of mischief in those eyes that reminded him of his Doctor, the one who would flirt and joke with him and was less intense than the last one he had met. This new regeneration was definitely more relaxed - but definitely still attracted to him too.

This could be interesting.

Coughing politely, the Doctor pointed at the door and adjusted his bow tie, almost nervous in a delightful way that pressed several of Jack's buttons and made him have to restrain himself from grabbing the Doctor again and making up for lost time. Of course, the very concept of lost time was a moot point in a time machine, they could lock the doors, take off and spend entire decades just catching up-

Maybe next time. Now that he knew there was definitely going to be a next time.

“Um, right, look, I should get after her, River on a pleasure planet, you have no idea what sort of chaos she could cause, I mean, on her own she's bad enough but with Amy out there as well, and poor Rory, if I don't hurry up there could be...” bringing his hands together, he suddenly threw them apart to suggest an explosion. “Well, it could be bad. Very bad. Or good, depending on how you look at it, I think Rory sometimes has odd ideas about what makes a good night, especially when those two are around.”

Shaking his head quickly, Jack gestured to the door and pushed back off the console. “You've got a whole team with you now? Sounds like a very good night to me.”

“You're welcome to, uh, you know...”

Smiling, Jack shook his head slowly, thinking of his own mission and grateful that for once it didn't sound like the world was going to end anytime soon. “I'm afraid I've already got plans. But it's okay, after all, sounds like I'll be meeting you all again soon enough.”

His face darkening a little, the Doctor frowned. “Yes, River, her spoilers are more than a little exasperating, sorry about that-”

“Sorry?” Laughing out loud, Jack put his arm around the Doctor and together they headed down to the TARDIS door. “Doctor, believe me, it's no problem at all, and I don't mind waiting for it this time. After all,” he added, pushing the door open and gesturing to the Doctor to go first, “it's been a while since I've had something to look forward to.”

challenge: 2011 bingo, pair: jack/11th doctor, author: jovialien, fanfic

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