Title: Our Angel
Author/Artist/Vidder/...: amythest_n_ice
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: Angel
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/10
Spoilers/warnings: implications of MPreg
Summary: Fluffity fluff drabble
He stood, staring in awe down at the tiny, angelic little being lying in the crystalline crib. Charcoal lashes brushed plump cheeks, and dark hair was already starting to stand out in unruly tufts. He reached into the crib, brushing his finger over a tiny, soft palm, grinning as miniscule fingers closed around the intruding digit, holding tightly. Their miracle, their angel, he smiled, looking over at Jack, sleeping soundly on the medical couch on the far side of the crib.
The pregnancy had been unexpected, but he couldn’t remember being happier in centuries, he was finally a father again.