Title: Captain Envy
lindenharp - Thank you!
Challenge: Summer Holidays 2
Prompt Group: 15 - impartial - rival - bicker - poke
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Jack/Eleven
Spoilers/warnings: DW: The End of Time (AU after that)
Summary: On a space station about to crash, a new Doctor runs into an old friend.
A/N: In addition to the prompt, this was also
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And I loved that line when I heard it, totally made me think of Jack :)
Yeah, I loved the line the first time I heard it and it made me think of Rose's "Captain envy" line right away, and then when t_s made that comment to my reaction post - right as I was trying to come up with a story idea for my prompt, no less - alchemy happened and this idea was born.
I like the dynamic between them, too. I didn't plan it that way, it just sort of happened. I really hope we get to see the two of them interact on screen.
Thanks for a great comment! :)
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