CHALLENGE: Timey-Wimey

May 01, 2010 20:48

The Doctor says it best: People assume that time is a straight progression of cause to effect but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's actually more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.

And no one knows it better than the Doctor and Jack, the Time Lord and the former Time Agent.

Travelling to the future, to the past. Rifts in time and space, pulling you in or throwing things out. The future bleeding back into the past. Meeting people in the wrong order. Being in the same place, at the same time, several times over, trying to avoid bumping into yourself. Personal timelines that are anything but linear. How does a life like that work? How do two people who live like that interact with each other? How do they build a relationship? How does it look from the outside, for people who do live solely in linear time?

Or you could go a different way: Non-linear storytelling. Flashbacks, flashforwards. Storylines every bit as fragmented as the Doctor's timeline. Stories that form a full circle, where beginning and ending coincide. So many possibilities ...

Welcome to the Timey-Wimey Challenge!

As a gentle reminder, please don't crosspost stories for this challenge elsewhere until the challenge closes about one month from now. And don't forget - leave a comment in THIS post and tell us what you think the next challenge should be!

challenge: timey-wimey, !admin

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